Thanks! Yes the new default colorscheme is pretty nice 😎.
Yep you got it. Kitty is a terminal. The scrollback buffer is the screen + history of the terminal session. This plugin lets you open it with Neovim plus some extras 👍
haha yep 🙂 took a couple attempts to get it to where it is but I’m happy with it now
ah I gotcha. There is no option at the moment to completely disable the scrollback, but you could hook into some callbacks to trigger and customizations.
For example,
local M = {}
M.config = function(kitty_data)
return {
paste_window = {
winblend = 10,
winopts_overrides = function(paste_winopts)
local h = vim.o.lines - 5 -- TODO: magic number 3 for footer and 2 for border
return {
border = 'solid',
row = 0,
col = 0,
height = h < 1 and 3 or h, -- TODO: magic number 3 for footer
width = vim.o.columns,
footer_winopts_overrides = function(footer_winopts, paste_winopts)
return {
border = 'single',
title = ' kitty-scrollback.nvim ',
title_pos = 'center',
kitty_get_text = {
extent = 'screen',
ansi = true,
callbacks = {
after_ready = function(kitty_data, opts)
return M
map f1 kitty_scrollback_nvim --config-file /your_awesome_config.lua
I plan to document some of the advanced configurations, just haven’t had time to get to it 👍
I could add an option to have no scrollback and a single buffer like you mentioned similar to `` behavior in bash. I’ll think on that one.
Thanks for the kind words 🙂
thanks! when you say launch empty, do you mean without the scrollback buffer? or just with a blank window for the command?
Thanks! No problem, let me know if you hit any other issues. It always gets tricky with the number of different configurations people have 😅