Vehicle sizes. SUVs and trucks kill pedestrian more often than sedans and coupes do
Vehicle sizes. SUVs and trucks kill pedestrian more often than sedans and coupes do
…hazel is that you?
Edit: surprised at how many people know hazel lol
It seems they are prepping to do something about the sea of unmaintained packages
Ubuntu still ships desktop icons on gnome, ding is a pretty good extension for it
while I still use ohmyzsh, a lot of it’s opponents make it’s slowness one of its complaints. You don’t need ohmyzsh to have fancy things, it’s just makes setting it all up a little easier.
Since version 4.0 the version numbers have nothing to do with changes and are strictly time based. Linux 5.0 happened after Linux 4.20 because Linus “ran out of hands and toes to count on”, same thing with 6.0 after 5.19
Full screen mode kicks ass on a laptop.
Swiping between all full screen with trackpad gestures is the workflow on macOS I really like
I really enjoy the “maximize windows go to their own workspace” thing that macOS does, it combines really nice with swiping workspaces with the trackpad.
There’s a gnome extension that mimics this but it’s kinda buggy and feels like a hack.
They probably won’t replace it past warranty but it’s always worth a shot
They don’t fit in my mini fridge like normal cans do either
America’s basically never had public utilities to begin with. If you’re not at the whims of the electric company, you’re at the whims of the gas company. Which is sometimes the same one.
Weed is actually terrible for sleep, and I say this as an everyday user.
It stops you from entering rem sleep. People report a lot of dreams after quitting because of a phenomenon known as “rem rebound” where you will have a lot of rem sleep.
Ubuntu themselves package ROS, it’s a little out of date from the latest (1.16 vs 1.18)
Try apt update && apt install ros-desktop
And aptitude tests themselves are flawed and usually only measure certain quantities or qualities of intelligence, and are not really a great marker for general intelligence (this is including IQ tests which have a very racist origin and history)
Ooms are much less necessary with MGLRU if they keep to a new kernel
People were already giving money before this change…
It’s also $12 a year ($15 normally).
It’s a small price to pay to ensure everything on your Plex server has subtitles. Subtitling stuff and hosting it isn’t free.
The only sources that the hospital was being used for military operations was the IDF who is known for lying. They even showed pictures of metal objects in the same room as an MRI. Literally something you would never do because an MRI will destroy anything metal.
All they do is lie
They said a calendar was a “terrorist list”. A literal calendar.
They even higher actors
Show kernel threads, it’s a setting in the htop config menu that is off by default.