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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 9th, 2024


  • This is not specific to cats. If you plan to formulate your own food for a pet, you need input from a vet and a nutritionist, or else risk hurting your animal. Plenty of people cooking fresh food for their dogs are not giving them a full nutrient profile either.

    I think this is showing how much faith people have in regular commercial pet food. Normal pet food isnt great for your pets, look into what the ingredients actually are and their quality.

    The only reason the idea of vegan food for cats and dogs came about was in an effort to make them healthier and happier animals. Its not to force a vegans morals onto an animal.

    I’m vegan and I have a cat. My vet approved the vegan food for a trial but the cat didnt like it, so she eats meat now. If thats abusive to you then I’m not sure what to say.

    Tell me why my entire vet office approved of this trial if its animal abuse always. The discussions here on this site simply dont match the discussions youll find if you talk to a vet or an animal nutritionist.

  • No, the first post was about that. This post is about how we aren’t allowed to have this conversation out loud.

    I do have studies I can send you, I’m sure you know you can find studies all along the spectrum for most topics. I dont have the experience to defend the studies myself though but if you would like I can send you some to look over.

    This whole post is frustrating because vegans are trying to reduce animal harm, and then get accused of harming their pets. Of course there are a handful of stories of people who tried a whole food diet and hurt their cats but not a single person recommended that, and multiple vegans correctly advised against it.

    The point is that maybe we can trust that vegans of all people would be considerate of animal well being as best as they can, including trying healthier diets in the effort to prolong their lives.

  • Show me a study that shows any human or animal benefits in anyway from drinking bleach.

    However, there does exist a spectrum of studies both supporting and attacking the idea of a vegan diet for cats, often with contradictory conclusions.

    From my understanding there was a nuanced discussion including risks and acknowledging that whole food diets are impossible for cats.

    Either people are reacting with emotion far more than I expected, or people are confusing whole food plant based with “no meat products in it”, which of course are two entirely different sets of food.

    The admin was childish and obtuse, they could have handled this in a number of other ways and instead doubled down on their emotional reaction and instincts.

  • Sounds like its not settled science and we should be able to discuss the spectrum of studies and current science around the topic without fear a man-child will take this as their moment to protect all of the cat world from the evil vegans.

    Its absurd. Current science does not say that a cat cannot be healthy or healthier on a vegan diet, which is the only reason vegans are considering it in the first place.

    If you all haven’t figured it out yet, animal wellbeing is the whole point, noone was advocating for hurting a cat.

  • Regular cat food is food made in the lab combined with such low grade meat that humans can’t eat it.

    It turns out that pet diets all around are poorly understood by average people, who regularly shorten their cats lives or cause illnesses.

    It turns out that it might be beneficial to work towards better health for our pets, whether thats with vegan food or not.

    Vegans are only considering the food for their cats in an effort to make them healthier and happier.

    Contrary to the common post here, this topic is not settled science. Anyone acting like it is simply refusing to allow themselves to hear out a perspective they instintually feel repulsed by.

    Side note: funny how the most taboo subject on lemmy isnt something like incest or rape, its vegan cats.