• 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • I am a touch typist and laptop keyboards are fine.

    Were in violent disagreement, then.

    repairability […] it’s not really something you can’t do without

    Being able to disregard e-waste and discarding a whole machine when something fails is a privilege that not everyone has. If you leave in a wasteful country whose society benefits from the wealth produced by destroying other countries, I can understand the mental blindness.

    is the price to pay for mobility (which is something that could be considered essential)

    For whom? For me it’s certainly not.

    If you use a laptop with full peripherals, it can act as a desktop when there is no space

    A laptop with many peripherals tends to occupy nor horizontal space, not less. And the fragile hubs needed for expansion are a frequent point of breakage.

  • richieadler@lemmy.myserv.onetoAsk Android@lemdro.idAn pdf to epub converter
    2 months ago

    You obviously are not a touch typist. I am.

    Laptop keyboards are, as someone said, like running barefoot on cement: you can do it for short periods, but if you do it for a long time you start feeling the effects. I need to use a full width keyboard to be confortable programming. And not any full width keyboard; I need the ones where the keys are sculpted and their curvature varies (like the inside of a sphere) depending of the position of the keyboard. That way I can have a good feedback of the position of my fingers, again, without needing to watch the keyboard. If I’m going to connect a full keyboard to a laptop, I may well get a full desktop computer.

    Why a desktop:

    • if something craps out, is easier to change individual components in a desktop.
    • my current desk is overcrowded and also is not designed to house a laptop and an additional monitor
    • I despise using laptops for gaming and for anything that doesn’t require mobility. My serious computing is static, not mobile. My work provides me a laptop, but I can easily work from home, and also they don’t provide desktops. For my own machine, my choice is desktop, period.