sempersigh [he/him]

  • 21 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2020


  • It doesn’t bear out statistically that the subway is dangerous this is literally because of crime stories that go viral that create this perception. If you use the argument I just made people will literally accuse you of gaslighting them. Oh oh and another thing the New Yorkers who scream the loudest about this shit are the ones that DONT ride the subway; they’re fucking cowards. I’ve spent thousands of hours on the subway while there have been uncomfortable moments I have never been attacked or thought I was going to be attacked. It’s fucking safe as fuck; I’ve been to plenty of places in America where I felt unsafe and I’m telling you the nyc subway is fucking safe as fuckkkk. People are racist cowards.

    Edit: I don’t want to sound too dismissive though as I’m a tall dude and at the end of the day; In the same way it can be sketchy to walk in certain parts of town at 2am as a woman the same is for the subway; sexual harassment happens and just like nearly every woman has a story of being sexually harassed/assaulted above ground; nearly every woman I talk to that rides the subway has a story of something happening down there. Obviously the fascist security theater in the OP won’t have any impact on that whatsoever but yeah safety is relative and I understand engrained misogyny can create very different perceptions of these environments for woman, trans, GNC ect

  • Okay so us officials are really jumping the gun quickly with this Isis connection faster than they normally would for attacks like this IMO.

    While there was misinformation shared earlier that made me dismiss it outright I’m seeing a lot of sources like Reuters zeroing in on this now. I’m on my phone so I can’t do a deeper dive corroborating whether this is accurate but it looks like they’re gonna pin this on ISIS-K. What’s interesting is I’m pretty sure I saw footage of the Russians actually arresting someone earlier?(kalibrated telegram)

    I find it unlikely the west would have the guts to muddy the waters with a false perpetrator if the Russians actually have someone in custody. (Then again I have seen “professional” journalists immediately give credence to “isis takes responsibility” stories without realizing how dubious that is. The fact that Russia is involved here could mean they’re being even less careful)

    Edit: the video of someone being arrested seems to be removed and I don’t see anything anywhere confirming this occurred