Linux gamer. Fight me!

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • The game has memory leak issues, causing it to use much more ram than it’s supposed to. This is costing them a lot of money with the official servers, so I assume this is top priority for them to solve. Let’s hope the upcoming patches fix this very annoying issue!

    Having an option to pause the server if no one is online would be nice too to avoid pals starving and getting sick…

  • If you don’t have a budget to upgrade to a better laptop anytime soon, I recommend using a low ram distro, like Lubuntu and search for the best driver compatible for your GT 730. I believe this GPU barely supports Vulkan so demanding 3D games will mostly not run properly. You’ll have to stick with old AAA or indie games. Also, if using a Ubuntu-based distro, make sure the package nvidia-prime is installed to use your nvidia GPU instead of the Intel HD Graphics which are even worse. Good luck!

  • As pessoas querem usar o que já estão acostumadas a usar. Tem medo do novo, do diferente, mesmo que seja melhor (no quesito segurança e privacidade, por exemplo). O Windows 11 reinstala o Candy Crush e Facebook depois de updates, entre outras mil coisas absurdas, mas as pessoas preferem tolerar isso do que testar o Linux ¯\_(ツ)_/¯