• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I agree and the requirement for an exact placement of attribution is not very friendly to derivate works either. I don’t think that section 7 of AGPL allow adding anything other than the exact terms in section 7 and it has a clause that allow removing non-permissive additions to the AGPL, but I’ve sent an e-mail to FSF asking what their position is. I would be very concerned picking AGPL as a license for my projects, if section 7 allow adding clauses like that. Anyhow the clauses were added in this commit, so anything prior to 7.3.0 is normal AGPL.

  • smpl@discuss.tchncs.detoLinux@lemmy.mlONLYOFFICE 8.1 released
    9 days ago

    There is no free and open source version of Only Office. It fakes that it is licensed with AGPL, but they have added the following to the license, which in effect completely forbid you to redistribute it. It can be said to be Source Available.

    The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.

    Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU AGPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo in the upper left corner of the user interface when distributing the software.

    Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.


  • You need to use a dmix PCM for you card as output.

    If you type aplay -L | grep dmix it’ll show you a list of dmix devices. You can set one as the default if you create a file named .asoundrc in your homefolder with the content:

    pcm.!default {
      type plug
      slave.pcm "dmix:CARD=Set,DEV=0"

    You of course replace the value of slave.pcm with your desired card name. I just gave one of mine as an example. The above default configuration also takes care of automatic conversion, via the plug pcm, for different samplerates and formats to the settings the hardware is set up to use. Every program that use ALSA for output will read the above file, but you need to restart a program for changes to take effect.

    If you enjoy audio production I’m sure you’ll find some good use for Jack, but for audio mixing all you need is to use an ALSA dmix pcm for output.

  • A solution I’ve used for the glibc problem, is to build on an older distribution in a chroot. There is also this project which might be of use to pick a specific version of glibc. The project README also explain how to do it manually.

    As for distribution, I prefer something like makeself.sh, that installs to either ~/.local/ or if it is to be installed system-wide to /usr/local or /opt. The concept is just a small shell script appended with a compressed archive, it is easy to modify and even create by hand using standard tools like cat. This is a method widely used by native Linux games.

  • The C compiler or third party libraries can provide support for parallel execution and SIMD. That article is just used by people in an attempt to argue that C’s strength in being a good low level abstraction is false, which it isn’t. C is the best portable abstraction over a generic CPU that I know of. If you start adding parallel features and SIMD like the article suggest, you’ll end up with something that’s not a portable low level abstraction. To be portable those featues would have to be implemented in slow fake variants for platforms that doesn’t support it. We can always argue where to draw the line, but I think C nailed it pretty good on what to include in the language and what to leave up to extensions and libaries.

    C is not a perfect abstraction, because it is portable. Non portable features for specific architectures are accessed through libraries or compiler extensions and many compilers even include memory safe features. It’s a big advantage though to know Assembly for your target platform when developing in C, such that you become aware fx. that x86 actually detects integer overflow and sets an overflow flag, even though that’s not directly accessible from C. Compilers often implement extensions for such features, but you can yourself extend C with small functions for architecture specific features using Assembly.

  • A Linux user’s nightmare: the machine was wiped clean with one click

    Timo Tamminen

    One day a Linux user using KDE Plasma decided to download a generic theme for his desktop environment. This is possible with Plasma’s built-in tool, through which you can download anything from themes to icons and wallpapers.

    Installing themes using Plasma’s tool is easy and fast. It practically only requires one click. This time, however, the user in question certainly wishes that that one click had not been completed.

    Namely, installing the theme called Gray Layout wiped the machine completely empty of the user’s personal files. Without asking anything.

    Although the theme developer’s intention this time was apparently not malicious, the accident was a clear indication that installing third-party themes without careful supervision can be a bad mistake. With the theme, almost anything can be installed in the user’s home directory.

    The Gray Layout installation script ran the rm -rf command, which normally removes all files from the device, making the command particularly dangerous to use. However, without root access, it can only cause limited damage.

    Reddit user Jeansen Vaars says that he lost all his games, settings files, browser history and other contents of his home directory in a crash.

    The unofficial face of KDE, Nate Graham, apologizes for what happened. He promises that the matter will be thoroughly investigated. The theme in question has also been removed from the theme store.