• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • U podstaw Matrix to protokół tak jak wspominany wcześniej XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol), za to Signal to po prostu aplikacja w wersjach dla klienta i serwera. Plus oczywiście Signal używa swojego protokołu — czyli zestawu specyfikacji kryptograficznych i szyfrowania typu end-to-end.

    Signal jest scentralizowany, a Matrix i XMPP są zdecentralizowane — czyli w Signalu nie postawisz swojego serwera, a korzystając z Matrixa lub XMPP każdy sobie taki serwer może deploynąć kulturalnie i elegancko.

    Sam korzystam zarówno z Signala jak i Elementa (na Matrixie).

    Najbardziej przyszłościowo — warto byłoby iść w kierunku zdecentralizowanych rozwiązań, ale zanim się ludzie nauczą i porezygnują z najłatwiejszych / najpopularniejszych beznadziejnych rozwiązań, trochę czasu jeszcze upłynie…

    Jak ludzie zrozumieją i przekonają się do rozwiązania typu Signal to potem będzie już z górki.

  • Only advice I can give is:

    Keep sculpting until you are satisfied!

    You’ve picked a great subject / reference material — it has some basic shapes, understandable shadows, which are great to start self learning.

    Important thing you can do is save your work and do it again in a month or three to examine your own progress.

    Another sub-exercise idea, after you will finish this version, try to come up with a totally different color scheme, not present in the reference image — this can help a lot because you will force your own creativity to kick in, instead of just making a copy of something, plus good coloring is deceivingly hard to pull off…

  • I don’t have any data to meaningfully back it up but I will trust my gut and the things I have read from people here.

    There is some significant amount of users here that fully / mostly abandoned social media and pretty often are in some kind of a post-reddit-lurker limbo, plus their age is around “I have a partner / family / job / hobbies / things in life I care more about than passionately posting / moderating online”.

    My blind shot is that this group would be the growing / fresh part of lemmysphere but they just don’t feel the urge to go for another reddit-type experience as most often than not it was a shit show in the worst case and time consuming endless void sprinkled with really mixed quality content in the best case scenario. Plus you can lurk hard here without even making an account, with quite healthy approach, somewhere around “I don’t care about voting or commenting but let’s just check what is happening”.

    What I would like to see evolving here is posts lifespans so they could properly aggregate the answers, responses or votes. Something like “follow this post / inform me about new comments”.

  • somnuz@lemm.eeOPtoGames@lemmy.world[IMG] is [TEST]
    29 days ago

    For me the amazing part was somehow pacing. Every single time I felt like I am starting to cruise through levels, I was knocked down really hard… and my brain exploded more than a few times.

    Stunningly, this created one of the best mechanics for me — “if it was too easy, you probably missed a valuable lesson there”.

  • So…

    1. You want to learn new things and now you are getting discouraged.

    Why you wanted to learn new things? Was it adventure calling, random idea, someone gave you some advice/ideas or you were great in your imagination at them before even starting? Whatever it was, learning new things can be equally great and hard.

    1. You seem to be failing at new things.

    This is how learning works. Some people fail more and harder, or need more explanations, or more trial and error until the “thing” clicks in their head.

    Did I miss anything? There is not enough information but let me shoot in the dark:

    • The thing with diving or climbing, was it a one and done thing or do you continue doing it anyhow?

    Why I am asking? There is quite a big difference in “I want to learn new things”, “I want to try/test new things”, “I am bored and just wanna do something” and “I am seeking for a (new) lifelong passion/hobby” or even harder “I want to get really good at X”… Depending on what your actual need is, there is plenty of possibilities why the process and effects are not satisfying for you.

    • What does “looked bad” mean? Was it a comment from your instructor, or someone from the group gave you a weird look or laughed? Or you had it recorded and you compared your technique to others?

    Sounds a little like some form of stage-fright, you can process the instructions and get what the instructor is saying but the problem begins during the “performance” part? Following the instructions and so on? This is quite common, especially during group classes with random people you don’t know. They can be quite chaotic and overstimulating… There is not much you can do to avoid it, but there is a lot you can do to work through it.

    • Part about “no pressure”

    Maybe a form of group classes is too much and just not for you at the beginning — maybe one on one approach would suit your needs better?

    There are so many angles to approach this subject…

  • I have this neighbor. He is like 70+ yo, after a stroke and a heart attack, barely talks and walks…

    Somehow, this guy still has some slapping sense of humor. How come he pulls it off and most people I briefly checked online history of can’t and more often than not are the same people talking “everyone is just too serious nowadays”, “no-one can get a good joke anymore, huh?” or “why they banned me? Again!”…

    I am not saying this about OP, but I am starting to notice a trend.

    Plus, yeah, being able to read the room (this in itself can be 10 times harder online), knowing your range and type of humor you operate with can definitely help. And sometimes… sometimes it just doesn’t land at all — best lesson to improve or learn something. On the other hand, not everything and not every occasion or room has to be a comedic scene.

  • Tak jak to często w dyskusjach o mailach i komunikatorach słowo bezpieczny jest używane bardzo frywolnie i przewrotnie — zacznijmy od tego więc.

    • Jeżeli szukasz szyfrowanego komunikatora, który nie gromadzi Twoich rozmów to najszybszy krok w odpowiednim kierunku brzmi jak Signal. Sam używałem Telegrama, ale uciekłem jakieś dwa lata temu ponad jak coraz dziwniejsze informacje zaczęły wypływać i nie żałuję, chociaż od tamtej pory Telegram zyskał na popularności i sporo osób, które wtedy nie chciały z niego korzystać nagle teraz tam siedzą, tak pewnie za jakiś czas wylądują na Signalu…

    Warto podkreślić, że Signal oferuje solidną dozę prywatności, ale nie anonimowości bo konto jest przypięte do numeru telefonu, który można schować, ale fakt faktem jest dalej przypięte. Istnieją oczywiście forki, które jakoś to obchodzą.

    • Kolejny krok to rozwiązanie typu SimpleX Chat, ale nie korzystałem bo nie potrzebuję aż tak się chować. W tym przypadku właśnie konto nie jest powiązane z numerem telefonu i wszystko opiera się na unikatowych ID.

    Pod względem bezpieczeństwa dużo osób dla których Signalowe rozróżnianie użytkowników po numerach telefonu jest grzechem niewybaczalnym wybiera właśnie tę opcję lub nawet Briara, który operuje po sieci Tor. Opcje są, wszystko w temacie bezpieczeństwa opiera się na skali gdzie komfort użytkowania leży po jednej stronie, a jakakolwiek forma anonimowości po przeciwnej stronie spektrum.

    • Jeżeli jednak potrzebujesz komunikatora, za pomocą którego w dowolnym kraju obalisz rząd, poprowadzisz zorganizowaną grupę przestępczą lub planujesz ujawniać wycieki z sektorów finansowych, rządowych, czy militarnych to po prostu lepiej unikaj internetu i inwestuj w prawników.

    Kwestia, jakie bezpieczeństwo Cię interesuje.

  • To properly shoot web at anything, follow these simple steps:

    1. Aim your shooting adapted limb, abdomen, perforation, cavity, crevice or device,
    2. Find the sweet spot between accuracy and precision. Eye squint is optional for dramatic effect or — in some cases — even increased accuracy,
    3. Shoot

    Possible outcomes:

    1. Preferable, you have hit your target. If you possess one of those flamboyant or more cocky styles, this is the perfect opportunity to use your well-prepared one-liner, punchline, slogan or motto. If you are on more villainous side of the spectrum, now is the time for your very intricate and extensive power monologue that is unavoidably the groundwork for your upcoming defeat or demise,
    2. Unfavorable, you have missed your target. Use your mixed Chill and Charisma perks to redirect the build-up of residual tension, sourness and shame onto other subjects. Great resource on how to handle those situations is the bestseller “You were not born a loser, or how to invite success into your life with unfairly dealt hands, or how I started blasting” by Danny DeVito