Violence against nazis ought to be legal. These are monsters who have committed genocide and routinely kill their target demographics. Punching a nazi is self-defence, this lady is a fucking hero.
Violence against nazis ought to be legal. These are monsters who have committed genocide and routinely kill their target demographics. Punching a nazi is self-defence, this lady is a fucking hero.
I used to work for this major company, biggest in my country by far.
Whether it was going well or poorly, they tended to offer severance packages to “cut back” on their staff, to appease the grotesquely overpaid consultants that analysed their finances.
What tended to happen, was that the most qualified people, who had no issues finding another job (often better paying), took those packages (I took home a one year salary after having worked there almost three, then had two months vacation and started a better paying job), which left those who didn’t really have other options, those who did the bare minimum and had a lot of useless meetings.
I guess that’s what reddit is heading for. They are alienating those who contribute the most, the content creators, the mods and the ones who like to engage others. They will be left with their bots, lurkers, racists, reposters and porn-spammers.
Good riddance.
Rub the blade into fecal matter, wait till she nods off and then stab deeply before quickly returning to the hut. Repeat a few times.
Now just wait for the sepsis to kick in and collect the prize.