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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • spector@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.ml"Weak men create hard times"
    6 days ago

    It’s predicated on baby boomers not having hard times. There’s no basis in reality. Not unless one were to believe baby boomers are all predominantly white upper middle class. Not to mention one must believe history was all sunshine and rainbows until their generation (millennial/zoomer/whatever) came into existence.

    Do they really think people just walked right out of high school into wealth from the career factory? This is basically the privileged upper class. Which is the top percentage of their generation. Guess what? Everyone else had it hard!

    So much of current day pop culture “boomer bad” stuff is based on these stupid notions. I wonder how people are going to rationalize when baby boomers are all dead and the class war still exists. I think some younger people are in for some serious cognitive dissonance ahead.

    Apart from people parroting these things. Those who actually have those well off parents are admitting their own privilege. The parrots are too entranced to realize they’re worshiping their own oppressors. The upper class. They don’t know they are the cannon fodder in the cycle of hard times, revolution, and renewal.

  • Reddit was very monoculture in the beginning. The neckbeards upvoted each other because they generally agreed on the same opinions. That gets mistaken for adherence to reddiquette.

    It became a rhetorical tool to prove whatever an individuals political or social adversaries are dummies because they don’t use reddit properly in current year unlike some glory day that never existed.

    If they really did use reddit back in the day as they claim then all of the self referential satire about reddits pseudo-intellectualism must have gone over their head. It was like the second most popular type of content. Second only to the actual circle jerking.

  • It is. A big tell is their vernacular. It’s not leftists. It’s someone else pretending to be.

    Another one is their interests or hobbies. They do not talk about these topics the same way the people they pretend to be because they are not the people they pretend to be.

    I’ve been chronically online enough to be able to get a sense of it. They often slip. Some times it’s so obvious it’s a kid who is trying to copy the more adept ones.

    A lot of minority subreddits on reddit are so fake too. It’s 21st century blackface minstrel shows. Easy to dupe casual users. If you’re chronically online long enough you can tell.

    ETA: This is conspiratorial as the people who get caught all the time forgetting to switch their alt accounts. Can’t reply to the mod for some reason so I guess I’m done here.

  • I think a quirk of reddit is that conventional finance doesn’t account for its value. Reddit in and of itself just operates a barebones site as the article says. While the site itself is ostensibly worthless. It has had incredible amount of value to those using it for commercial and political purpose. Nation state actors too even (cougheglincough). These days what organization isn’t using or trying to use reddit. Such things don’t appear in financial statements. I think they’ve been propped up with funding for so long because its a nexus of zeitgeist. There are enough organizations who it is useful to such that it’s better to keep reddit alive rather than risk having to establish their dark presence on new competitor platforms. I suspect spez knows he has everyone by the balls too.

  • The config file in ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc.

    Search for the widget name. I will use org.kde.plasma.analogclock.

    On my system this widget has a config section.


    It is applet 186. Search the string Applet-186 for a section that has entries containing ItemGeometries.


    The ItemGeometries are the layout of the widget on the desktop. I believe the last five semicolon separated numbers are:

    • x position
    • y position
    • width
    • height
    • rotation in degrees

  • There’s another type of citogenesis going on with articles and internet comments. Writers look to social media to see what people are talking about / what will get engagement. Internet commenters talk about the article taking the points that strike a chord. Writers see what the users are talking about and write about that. Internet comments react. Writers see the comments and publish accordingly. Rinse. Repeat.

    Some iterations later people have piles of articles to point to as proof. The articles have been repeating back their own words written by someone else with ostensible credibility because it’s been published.

    A major problem aside from that itself is internet comments need to boil everything down to simple one liner takes. The world isn’t simple like that. People could do long form investigative journalism. And then the internet comments would boil it down to a single easily digestible take that washes away all analysis.