• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • True, and it upsets me because we can’t even get a baseline agreement from the masses to correct systemic inequality.

    …yet, simultaneously we’re investing academic effort into correcting symptoms spawned by the problem (that many believe doesn’t exist).

    To put this another way. Imagine you’re a car mechanic, someone brings you a 1980s vehicle, you diagnose that it is low on oil, and in response the customer says, “Oil isn’t real.” That’s an impasse, conversation not found, user too dumb to continue.

    I suppose to wrap up my whole message in one closing statement : people who deny systematic inequality are braindead and for whatever reason, they were on my mind while reading this article.

    I’ll be curious what they find out about removing these biases, how do we even define a racist-less model? We have nothing to compare it to… another tangent, nope, I’m done. Zz.

  • This is my opinion. Timing intake is a low value, high effort task.

    I’d rather first focus on high value, low effort tasks. Then low value, low effort tasks, then if I really want to optimize I’m finally at low value, high effort tasks.

    By the time I reach those tasks it’s likely I’m beyond diminishing returns and I should apply my focus elsewhere.

    The only additions I have :

    1. What I ate yesterday is going to affect my workout more tha anything I can eat today.
    2. Timing is relevant if it upsets your stomach during the workout, beyond that ignore it.

    TLDR, stick to solving other high value tasks, meet your macros, forget about timing.

  • It is a great time saver, the confederate flag serves a similar purpose.

    It says, “I can’t wait to be disagreeable to you if you aren’t on my team.”

    Occasionally I end up in the homes of one of these people, I keep to myself, keep everything professional and nothing more, yet they’ll prod at you to try to figure out what you think, aka “Are you on my team or are you the enemy?” It’s so exhausting. I just play dumb until I can get away.

    Headphones are great for this.

  • I am kinda done with conversations where the respondee ignores everything said then repeats a baseless subjective response that obviously reflects their personal bias. You are only talking to yourself, there is no interaction occuring between you and I. Nonetheless I’ll reply once more and provide you with more questions that you will give no thought to. Maybe share a SpongeBob meme this time, people like SpongeBob memes.

    I am aware of no publicly enforceable policy on child rearing outside of social services, which is poorly funded. Are you able to define, globally, for all parents the definition of what causes a child to be raised “right”? It’s rhetorical, of course you can’t because no one can.

    Bringing up the parents and playing “the blame game” is inevitably going to lead us to a discussion about social support programs to help struggling families. However to me your comments seem like lazy concern trolling, you are “greatly concerned” about the parents, yet I assume will oppose all programs to help make their childrearing easier.

    So let’s test my theory, since you are concerned about the parents involved, which social programs do you feel should be expanded in order to help those families?

    But that is a bit of a hard question, I suggest ignoring everything I asked you and pasting a one-liner question, similar to how you replied to my previous comment. Lazy. Predictable. Boring.

  • the words honestly are confusing. i can admit that. out of context “drag queen” would mean nothing to me either.

    as i understand it, a drag queen is someone (usually a man?) who dresses up in flamboyant clothing of the opposite gender and takes on a character, like a stage identity, and everyone’s stage identity is individual to themselves. from what I’ve seen, the stories behind a stage identity are often as interesting as the costumes themselves, which can be very intricate and eye catching.

    drag queen competitions can feature singing, dancing, showmanship, acrobatics, comedy, and are a good time, check one out if you get a chance.

  • Nope, just relatively. Though how do you want to define consciousness could change my nope to a yes. It’s all about the definition.

    All I can see when I read this comment is a plaque to blind confidence. Don’t take it the wrong way, I don’t mean it as a wholly a bad thing… maybe 90% bad, 10% admiration. Confidence is powerful, but it works best when paired with other traits.

    …but back to the thread, unless you’re involved in this topic at an academic level, can you explain the reasoning behind the confidence you appear to have in your perspective?

  • I’m just sharing a fucked up shower thought.

    Sharing a fucked up shower thought gets negative points, so you won. The reward is unpopularity. Congrats.

    It wouldn’t take that long probably. Not with it being forced like that.

    Maybe share shower thoughts regarding topics you are an expert in, because you are clearly unknowledgeable about evolution. I share minimum numbers, in reality it could be billions of years, or never, because that is how evolution functions. You learn this very very very early in a study of the natural sciences, not even at a college level, I’d expect most people to understand this by 18 and certainly after any (non-fundamentalist) university education. It’s a very low bar.

    It seems like you’re taking this personally instead of a stupid comment on the internet

    You’re inferring subtext that was not being implied. Just read the text that is there. Not everything is a conflict, but given the combative framing of everything by media, I certainly empathize with your perception and understand why you would see it that way.

    I assure you that I was only trying to display the stupidity (to you, as I assume most others already understand evolution) by describing the mechanics of how evolution would function in the scenario you described and nothing more. I apologize for that, I suppose I could have done a better of preserving your feelings but chose not to do so.

    Think of my comment as a functional extension of your shower thought, a shower thought scientific add-on, like a non-slip mat to stop you and other unknowledgeable people being injured by thinking the outcome you describe is scientifically feasible, it is not.

  • I was playing WoW and ket getting kicked out of Alterac Valley for idling. So I was like, if I stand in town and push a key every 9 minutes I could do this rep thing way faster. So I started looking up how to press keys without pressing them (circa 2004).

    I figured out the key thing after a few confusing days, then slowly started scripting a path that would walk around the merchant areas and look like I was doing stuff. It was hot dogshit but once I figured that out I just kept writing more and more complicated cheats.

    In university I had the chance to take real programming courses and by then I’d written hundreds of little scripts. Then I had the language to discuss my little cheats, learned about functions (I was using huge banks of hardcoded coordinates and delays in a giant while 1 loop.

    Oh and I wrote a script to automate Ikariam, a fun lil web game and made it to the top 100 players worldwide. That was neat.

    So in short, I learned to program to cheat at video games. Eventually stopped caring about the games, my game was cheating. Didn’t care if I got banned, could always jump to a new game because the real game was cheating.