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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2022


  • Yes liberal electoralism is a smokescreen. You’re right that no voting method will ever be perfect. Even if we find the perfect system with no spoiled votes, no gamified voting whatsoever, you still haven’t solved the IMO most glaring problem with electoral systems, which is (If you will entertain a hypothetical) you might like candidate A because they promised you a free subway footlong with chips, and I might like candidate B because they’re the only candidate who doesn’t want to kill me. Our relative “wants” aren’t equal.

    All that said, I think you’re being a little black and white in your thinking about this. You can still say definitively that one voting method is better than another at doing a particular thing. I think the point OP was making was that approval voting is better than FPTP while requiring almost no changes to the current system, demonstrating that the current system doesn’t care about being more democratic because if they did we would already be approval voting. There’s literally no valid argument against it. You could use the same ballots and count them the same way, just instead of marking one vote you mark (potentially) multiple. Gamified voting is much less effective, “spoiler” voting from outside the established center doesn’t exist, and the two party system would be severely weakened. Three marked improvements.

    As for Obama’s approval rating, if you had only ever tasted smarties and root beer barrels your perception of what candy you like would be pretty heavily skewed. I’m willing to bet that 4 years of a decent administration (an act of god) would change everyone’s approval range by a lot.

  • I’ve been curling in the winter for the last few years, and I guess you could call me a “scrub” in that I’m not “playing to win” so to speak. Recently people have started using stopwatches to measure the precise speed of the rock, which sort of puts a pressure on everyone else to play that way because it gives you an advantage. I don’t care about losing but sometimes my team does. Personally, the reason I do curling and no other sports is precisely because it’s so un-tryhard and no one is trying to prove anything. If you want to play that way with others who also want to play that way, then have at it, but where does that leave me? Not wanting to make this feel like a job is just as valid. I’m not trying to invalidate your wins but the more pressure you put on to win the stuffier and more unfun the game becomes for me.

    This is particularly raw for me since I was playing a tournament this weekend where I teamed up with a couple out-of-towners who clearly looked down their noses at our dinky curling club. I never advertised myself as a professional curler, yet I found myself getting a dressing down from this smug sanctimonious asshole about how it’s bad etiquette to move when someone is trying to throw, and that I should never set up the opponent’s rock for them because I could be tampering with it. No, how about fuck that. I’ve been curling at this club for 5 years. How about I tell you what the etiquette is here? You aren’t some authority or better than us because you hale from a fancier curling club. Then after said dressing down he had a temper tantrum and stormed off, because the other team’s skip… leaned over while he was throwing the rock. I don’t know, that’s not any etiquette I’d like to emulate.

    My point is that an event I look forward to all year was ruined for me by a tryhard asshole telling me my way of playing is wrong, so I guess I’m a “scrub” or whatever I don’t care. Where’s the sport I’m allowed to participate in without getting browbeaten for not properly researching optimal this or new technique that? It wasn’t hockey, it wasn’t bowling, it clearly won’t be curling for much longer. I’ve given plenty of space for “tryhards” to do their thing but when do the “scrubs” get to stand their ground and have a silly little game to ourselves?

    I’m not a competitive person. I don’t get it. I don’t want to be forced to get it. I came here to play a silly friendly game with zero stakes, and stay active??

    Who knows what objective the scrub has, but we know his objective is not truly to win. Yours is. Your objective is good and right and true, and let no one tell you otherwise. You have the power to dispatch those who would tell you otherwise, anyway. Simply beat them.

    I won therefore my opinion is more valid than yours smuglord