• 4 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2024


  • Copying my reply from another thread:

    This link should be working.

    Quoting from the OP tweet:

    * Unauthenticated RCE vs all GNU/Linux systems (plus others) disclosed 3 weeks ago.
    * Full disclosure happening in less than 2 weeks (as agreed with devs).
    * Still no CVE assigned (there should be at least 3, possibly 4, ideally 6).
    * Still no working fix.
    * Canonical, RedHat and others have confirmed the severity, a 9.9, check screenshot.
    * Devs are still arguing about whether or not some of the issues have a security impact.

    I’ve spent the last 3 weeks of my sabbatical working full time on this research, reporting, coordination and so on with the sole purpose of helping and pretty much only got patronized because the devs just can’t accept that their code is crap - responsible disclosure: no more.

  • This link should be working.

    Quoting from the OP tweet:

    * Unauthenticated RCE vs all GNU/Linux systems (plus others) disclosed 3 weeks ago.
    * Full disclosure happening in less than 2 weeks (as agreed with devs).
    * Still no CVE assigned (there should be at least 3, possibly 4, ideally 6).
    * Still no working fix.
    * Canonical, RedHat and others have confirmed the severity, a 9.9, check screenshot.
    * Devs are still arguing about whether or not some of the issues have a security impact.

    I’ve spent the last 3 weeks of my sabbatical working full time on this research, reporting, coordination and so on with the sole purpose of helping and pretty much only got patronized because the devs just can’t accept that their code is crap - responsible disclosure: no more.

  • Löten ist hier nicht mal erforderlich. Der Akku hat einen Flachstecker, der sehr einfach zu lösen ist. Die eigentliche Herausforderung wird Kleber sein, da man das Handy zum Lösen der Rückplatte erst erhitzen und dann mit viel Vorsicht und Geduld abhebeln muss. Der Akku ist ebenfalls verklebt, sodass man erstmal mit Isopropanol rangehen muss und auch hier wieder viel Vorsicht und Geduld braucht.

    Hier findest du ein YouTube-Video dazu. Ist zwar ein allgemeiner Teardown statt ein Batterietausch, aber die Schritte sind auch da enthalten.