Boah, wie nervig. Nach 16 Jahren Kanzlerschaft, wo sich die CDU an alle linken Themen drangehangen hat, spielen sie jetzt wieder konservativ, womöglich um der blauen Partei was abzujagen. Mehr Fähnchen im Wind geht ja kaum. Und wir reden gar nicht von all den verschleppten Reformen, die sie dann auch noch den Nerv haben zu blockieren. 🙄
I feel like that’s only partly true. Most of the AI features were limited to US English, and wouldn’t be released in other languages (yet) anyway. I don’t quite get how iPhone Mirroring or SharePlay are affected by the DMA either. They are right though, we don’t know yet how different countries will implement legislation based on this. That’s how the EU works though, so as long as there are no laws prohibiting a feature, I assume they could release it but would need to make changes if laws are created. That’s what they did with 3rd party app stores. So, I guess weird flex by Apple PR.