• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Although it would explain why Israel is suddenly arranging to get dozens of jets from the US in the last month or so.

    Forgive what feels like a nitpick, but we should take a moment for wider historical scorn. WaPo at the end of March:

    Last week, the State Department authorized the transfer of 25 F-35A fighter jets and engines worth roughly $2.5 billion, U.S. officials said. The case was approved by Congress in 2008, so the department was not required to provide a new notification to lawmakers.

    Biden owns the fuckup, but it comes after all the shit Israel put the administrations of Dubya, Obama, and Individual 1 through, and after all the atrocities upon the Great March of Return and the other surges of conflict. The planes could fill another allies’ order, the MIC could get their warbucks, and Joey could have kicked the can down the road, but here we are.

  • I broadly agree with you, but I’d welcome a discussion of a blind spot in almost everything I’ve seen. I haven’t read much specialty defense analysis recently, so if anyone has some I’d be fascinated to read it.

    The wider press seems to ignore the strategic significance of Iran gathering all that detection, location, and performance data of all the AA, ABM, air superiority, and radar assets that popped off a billion dollars’ worth of interception. Can someone explain to me how this does not place Israel’s nuts in a vise?

    Yes, a lot of that intel is fleeting as systems are moved and whatnot, but if they’re on the ball there is a whole lot of data selling and prankery that can be done all the same. Israel has tiny strategic depth and is limited in how elusive they can be around their tightly packed valuable targets, and Hezbollah has shown they know how to take advantage of probing Israeli defenses.

    If the Likudniks escalate and draw a more committed Iranian and proxy barrage, that could get pants-shittingly serious. What am I, or what are we, not seeing?