ziggurter [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 11th, 2023


  • Once more even even the Clinton Nonsense Network is calling Israel on its lies: Dying for a bag of flour: Videos and eyewitness accounts cast doubt on Israel’s timeline of deadly Gaza aid delivery

    Choice Exceprts

    We are now under siege, a tank is beside us and it’s shelling

    Many said they were undeterred by the bullets, believing that if they weren’t killed attempting to get the flour, they would die of hunger instead.

    CNN’s analysis of dozens of videos from the night and testimonies from eyewitnesses’ casts doubt on Israel’s version of events. The evidence, reviewed by forensic and ballistic experts, indicated that automatic gunfire began before the IDF said the convoy had started crossing through the checkpoint and that shots were fired within close range of crowds that had gathered for food.

    Al Za’anoun, who was at the scene and witnessed the incident, said the chaos and confusion that led to people being hit by the trucks only started once Israeli soldiers began shooting.

    [the limited and edited drone footage] shows just how difficult it would have been to fire with any degree of accuracy at what the IDF described as “suspects” among the tightly packed people surrounding the convoy.

    Eyewitnesses told CNN that they had started to gather in anticipation of the arrival of food – aid convoys often travel at night to avoid being inundated by crowds en route – but that the trucks hadn’t even crossed the threshold of the checkpoint when Israeli tanks started shooting.

    In a video recorded by eyewitness Belal Mortaja, which was shared directly with CNN, gunfire can be heard ringing out and people can be seen running away, urging others to flee, warning of a tank. The video was recorded at 4:22 a.m., seven minutes before the IDF said the convoy had crossed over into northern Gaza.

    Abu Watfa, the 27-year-old, told CNN that he started filming just after he heard gunfire. The video’s metadata showed that it was recorded at 4:28 a.m., two minutes before the IDF said it fired warning shots.

    the bursts indicated heavy automatic gunfire at 600 rounds per minute.

    Another survivor, Hamouda Zamil, told CNN that he was shot at after he was given a bag of flour from the convoy. “As soon as I carried the bag of flour and started to walk, they (the IDF) shot at me,” he said. “I started to ask people to help me, they (the people) left me.”

    Dr. Amjad Aliwa, a physician at Al-Shifa, told CNN he had gone to Al Rashid Street to get food for his family…was shot in his left thigh. He said he quickly bandaged his leg before returning to the hospital to provide treatment for the many wounded who had been taken there.

    Ahmed said the charity [Ummah Welfare Trust] had been successful in delivering aid to southern Gaza before, but this was the first time they had attempted to go to the north. “We were very, very excited and happy that finally we have gone through,” he said.

    That joy was short-lived. Still, Ahmed said the tragedy would not deter the team from trying again because they have “no other choice.”

    “People are either going to die from starvation, from the famine, from the desperate situation, or they will be killed by indiscriminate shooting or targeted killings,” he said.

    I think even the suspicion that a lot of us leftists seemed to have of some IDF soldier getting spooked and then them going on a berserk rampage was far too generous. The facts here seem to me to paint the picture of an absolute, cold-blooded ambush. Israel “finally” lets aid into northern Gaza, and it’s literally just as bait.

  • Sure. Wherever you live, organize around pushing for your own country (and/or those it has influence with) to back down. War between nation-states is universally war against the working class everywhere.

    If you live in Russia, organize around getting Russia to back away and stop expanding the front (though yeah: good luck with that at this point…).

    If you live in the U.S. or any Western country, organize around going hands-off and halting the shipment of weapons and halting expansion of NATO.

    If you live in Ukraine, organize around pushing for diplomacy, an end to conscription, and all the state repression that’s been aimed at anyone speaking up against the war, against NATO membership, against fascists’ role in governance and policing and war-making, etc.

    Either way, push for a diplomatic end to the meat grinding. Ceasefire, ceasefire, ceasefire. Under any conditions whatsoever, really. Doesn’t matter where the fucking national borders finally wind up on a map. Ceasefire. Doesn’t matter who last did whatever strike or terrorist act or whatever. Ceasefire. Doesn’t matter who said what racist nonsense about whose mother. Ceasefire.

    All other problems can and will be solved by us, outside of the “solutions” of (especially neoliberal) nation-states. We will deal with the fascists. We will deal with systemic racism and state-oppression of various ethnicities, etc. We will deal with reaction against the left, labor, and the working class. No war but class war.

    In any Western country, of course, this will be interpreted as “pro-Russia”. LOL. It’s bullshit, of course, but that’s the shit leftists have always had to deal with. Especially when fighting on the anti-war, anti-imperialism front.