Counterpoint: make every game have optional co-op so I can play with my girlfriend.
Also get rid of competitive games, we don’t need the toxicity.
Playing tomb raider 1 coop via openlara showed me a world where games can be fun with others without the need for coop to even be coherent or make sense. Idk why coop has to be some crappy separate mode or made to be logical just give me two main characters please, thanks.
stop making single player games that have an always online component that prevent you from pausing
i work from home i need to be able to pause the game while im playing on company time
What about single player games that for no fucking reason at all whatsoever make you be online.
Yes I installed RedDeadRedemption2
that sucks too and is only slightly less egregious
Stop making so many multiplayer games. I have no one to play them with.
The only IRL person I know that is into vidyagames mostly plays hentai games.
Coop when??