Are they cops?

  • happybadger [he/him]
    9 months ago

    To me the problem with police is that they protect private property. Private property is a network of oppressive systems that all work to hurt the average schmuck and nature for the benefit of someone enclosing the commons.

    Rangers still have arrest power and can put you in that prison system I oppose, but they aren’t protecting private property. They’re protecting the commons. I don’t want poachers on public lands because they degrade the ecosystems that provide for me and protect me. I don’t want people defacing national parks because those belong to the public a century from now. I don’t want people dumping shit or camping irresponsibly in national forests because wildfires impact the entire community for generations. Littering in parks hurts everyone and everything encountering it while breeding the pests that spread disease.

    Those are crimes against everyone who does or will exist. Environmental crimes and ecocide need to be regulated. Public land needs to be protected or the private businesses that pigs protect will clear cut the forests and destroy the rivers like they did before the rangers.

    • duderium [he/him]
      9 months ago

      National parks are not the commons though. They have been stolen from indigenous people, and indigenous people are not really allowed to do their thing there.

      • happybadger [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Everything in the US is a hate crime in its implementation. There’s no way around that. But natural preserves would still have to exist under communism. Under the control of the local tribal nations violating the territory of the tribal commons meant a band of warriors killing the cracker doing it, and I’m fine with that too if we hand over control of those lands tomorrow. That land just has to exist intact no matter who governs it under any system because you drink the water and breathe the air it’s supplying. Any damage to those ecosystems and everyone suffers, greater biodiversity and everyone benefits. Some of those parks are the historical ruins of those tribes’ ancestral tribes, some aren’t even accessible to most tourists so they’re mostly preserved for the subsistence usage of the local tribes, some are the watershed for massive chunks of the country that would otherwise go to war with each other if there wasn’t someone funded to manage the ecosystem generating that water.

      • Vncredleader [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Even without being stolen land, national parks are not the commons in function. One of the points of the commons and why it was destroyed was that it could be lived on, its resources used, and its game hunted by the commoners. You can’t do that in a national park.