Isn’t the entire point of the profile and matching system to filter incompatible people out? Why can I match with 50 people and not a single one wants to get a coffee or something after exchanging a few pleasantries? Everybody hates these things and yet they refuse to do anything IRL to get off them. Is there some Manchurian candidate activation codeword that I’m missing? I feel like everyone treats this shit solely as an ego booster and actually gets pissed off that anyone tries to interact with them. How do you meet people in hellworld if you don’t drink?

Me after dozens of dead-end back-and-forths that lead to nowhere despite having shared interests and presumably being attracted to each other since we matched: marx-joker

Hmm, maybe it’s the extreme commodification of relationships and atomization under capitalism that prevents you from getting anywhere with this garbage thinkin-lenin

Nope, must be because @[email protected] didn’t say my favorite “The Office” quote and send me a playlist with 50 of the greatest songs I’ve never heard that made me instantly fall in love with them. I have no idea what other people expect from these things but I’m not doing labor for someone that I don’t even know is real. Thanks for reading my rant, any advice is appreciated.

  • janny [they/them]
    11 months ago

    Seriously, I feel like the root cause of the problem is that people these days are so alienated in society that they have grown too afraid to socialize. Complaints like “no, I don’t want to talk to people who I imagine might say reactionary things that I don’t like!” are just excuses to stop oneself from interacting with real people in the real world.

    Not gonna lie I see some posts on this site that outright describe people in their community with the same vitriolic hatred that Timothy McVeigh describes brown people. Sure I bet there are alot of areas with right wingers, but I’m sorry but if everyone around you is a literal demon then have you ever thought about the fact that the common factor in all of your interactions with these people is you?

    The emotional core of fascism is a deep misanthropy and I’ve seen so many young people who grew up with some socialization issues and a deepset hatred of other people latch onto communist politics and then become some sort of fascist or right-winger later in life. I don’t care about how epic you think your Maoism-Third Worldism is, I’ve seen enough of those people become Nazis or Haziods that I can clearly see a pattern in that sort of psychological framework to be incredibly sus of that sort of sentiment.