im broken i literally cannot tell if they are mocking the israel supporters or are one themselves
He’s mocking them, but the Israeli crowd was a bit slow to recognize it lol
You’re not broken, zionists are.
There is a group of debate lords that like to position the Empire as the good guys.
You see, they had to vaporize Alderaan in order to get rid of all the rebels. It’s sad that so many innocents died, but maybe they should have done something about the rebels among them
“This all never would have happened had the rebels not massacred a hundred thousand innocent imperial workers on Scarif. Do you condemn Rogue One?”
If rebel terrorist Leia had simply provided the coordinates for the rebel base, all the innocents on Alderaan would still be alive. It’s her and the rebel terrorists that caused the destruction of that planet.
She used her fellow Alderaans as human shields. Disgraceful, I would have used a #freeAlderaanfromtheRebels if it still existed.
Its not sad. Only animals lived there anyway
I’m torn between “watch another movie” and “props” since this is actually pretty clever. Guess I’ll go with the latter.
Do you condemn the rebel alliance?
They had to destroy Alderaan. The rebels forced their hand
Bombing a neighbor isn’t defense. Thats offense.
Can’t tell if trolling or serious