Another fucking lib was lecturing me that the only choice I have is which guy I endorse to commit genocide and I broke down and listed all the shit I’ve done fighting for a better world my whole fucking life, all the trauma, all the pain, all the horror, all the hard work and sweat and tears and misery and frustration. And they just smugly replied “Oh yeah I’m very political myself I’ve seen people like you and we just let you pretend to be freedom fighters” and I hate them all so much.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    6 months ago

    Libs are useless. I recently had a straight white lib tell me that I was doing violence against queer people by not supporting Biden despite the genocide. They admit that Biden supports a genocide. They’re okay with that violence though. They aren’t okay with violence against queer folks though.

    When I reminded them that I am queer and that Biden is already doing violence against me and my comrades they told me that I don’t know what I’m talking about and that I don’t speak for the queer community. As if they, a straight, do. Oh yes straights please keep telling me what’s good for me. Can’t even pretend to be an ally long enough to shut the fuck up and listen to queer voices. We need more straight people to tell me what’s best for the queer community because we’re clearly too dumb and queer to know ourselves apparently.

    Man, fuck libs. At least conservatives will tell me to my face they don’t think I should exist. Pretending to care about me and my comrades while actively trying to erase us hurts more.

    Anyway comrade I’ve seen your takes on Hexbear enough to know that in whatever context a lib is telling you that you’re wrong, the reality is that you’re actually objectively correct. Don’t back down you’re making a difference and no lib on the planet can take that from you.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      6 months ago

      They’re okay with that violence though.

      I see this constantly with the US/Saudi genocide in Yemen. I have never made a Lib care about what the US did to the Yemeni people. Not once. Most of them won’t even accept that the deaths happened, I’ve never gotten one to accept the widely accepted understanding that the US deliberately targetted food, water, and medical infrastructure to create a famine to maximize civilian deaths. All their pretense of human rights is meaningless.

      Thank you for the kind words. We’re gonna make a better world, even if it takes a hundred generations.

    • VILenin [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Straight democrats tolerate the queer community as a matter of practicality. They would throw us into camps the millisecond it becomes politically expedient. The struggle is just a musical to them. Locking up the queers would not affect them materially, so they really wouldn’t raise too much of a fuss if it came down to it. They want protection money in the form of a vote for genocide.

      Queer democrats ridin’ with Genocide Joe… they’re not gonna make an exception for you once we’re all blamed for costing him the election.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.netOP
        6 months ago

        These days when folks say they’re supporting biden to save them from trump all i think about is forty years of triangulation and lurching to the right and “for every democrat we lose we’ll pick up two moderate republicans in the suburbs” and “fund the police” and every senior dem being ambivalent about abortion.

        They’ll turn on queer people the moment the gop collapses and there are suddenly tens of millions of new voters in play. The democrats of 2024 are now far to the right of Reagan.

        It’s the whole liberationist vs assimilationist battle that’s been going on for decades and decades. The assimilationists will sell out anyone if they think it means it will finally make society grant them “normalness” and the right to be just like all the other liberal ghouls… And the first people they well out, always, are liberationists fighting for a better world.

      • Greenleaf [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Remember too, most straight Democrats over 50 or 60 (so pretty much all of them in power) spent a good part of their lives thinking gay or trans people to be “icky” or people who it’s ok making jokes about and dehumanize. I mean I was around in the 90s, this wasn’t true for all of them but most Democrat-aligned folks would say pretty awful shit about gay people but then just tack on a “yeah but if they want to love whoever they want to that’s fine I guess”.

        Look at Joe Biden. You think that guy, on a personal level, actually gives a shit about LGBTQ people? Do you think in his heart, he is bothered when trans people are denied basic rights? I have a pretty good idea what Biden thinks about trans people inside his own head - and if you could actually type it up and let everyone see it, it would be horrific.

        You think that guy is gonna lift a finger to actually help LGBTQ people in the US? That’s literally the only card these libs try to play - that by not voting Biden we are harming LGBTQ folks. But we already have his track record - not just as president, but his senate career. LGBTQ people will not be any more safe in 2028 with Biden as president than Trump.

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    6 months ago

    That person is deeply unserious. I’m now at the point where I just nod and say “Indeed.” to libs. The mask helps a lot because they can’t see my lips curl in disgust before I get control over my face.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    I wish liberals would be forthcoming with how little of a shit they give. I wish they could be honest about how content they truly are. Politics are a game to them. Or it’s a psychodrama they subject themselves to because it’s part of their job.

    None of them seem impacted by the policies they endorse, it’s all a psychological purity contest for them. They have no meaningful context or involvement. It’s a sport. It’s defeating Voldemort by posting and having feelings.

    I mean I’m not much better most of the time but at least I admit that my posting and posturing does exactly nothing. The only real things I get done is helping out at shelters and Food not Bombs. Liberals don’t even do that. They think a sign in their front yard and watching the proper HBO shows will defeat president Drumpf

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      6 months ago

      The only real things I get done is helping out at shelters and Food not Bombs.

      That shit does matter. From what I understand the majority of homeless people are homeless for relatively short periods of time before finding some kind of housing, even unstable or temporary housing. As awful as shelters can be, a few stable nights and some hot meals are the difference between short term and long term homelessness for some people. You’re doing good work.

  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
    6 months ago

    The mere possibility that I might one day have to tell my hypothetical future children that I voted for a leader who was actively and enthusiastically funding a genocide fills me with so much shame. If I was an American citizen and I voted for Biden, I would feel like a person in Nazi Germany who voted for Hitler. Certainly not voting for either Sunak nor Starmer over here

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      6 months ago

      That’s a lot of what makes it so bizarre. I have no idea what was happening in the rest of the country but in school I watched a bunch of films by Jewish directors about the Holocaust and it’s aftermath, we read Maus, we read Anne Frank’s diary. When the Rwanda genocide was committed in 94 it was all over the news. I heard all about ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. People seemed to know about ISIS murdering Druze and Yazidis, the libs were all up in arms about Xinjiang for years.

      And now some of them, enough of them to shock and anger and terrify me, are ardent genocide supporters. Not just in Palestine by in Yemen, too. Genocide denial is reflexive and totally unselfconscious, the easiest thing in the world. It’s shocking the way belly flopping in to a glacier stream is shocking. Just an absolute punch to the soul. It’s already frightening here, driving through urban and suburban neighborhoods, seeing the thin blue line stickers and US flags and trump stickers on vehicles so you know that the owner is an armed fascist just waiting for marching orders. Now half the libs are not only supporting genocide but pressuring others to do so, while at the same time scoffing and mocking the idea that political action to stop any of this is even possible, calling it immoral to try and denouncing condemnation of their leader as “purity politics”.

      I’ve said for well over a decade now that the US was only ever a few years from genocide no matter who was in charge, and it started out as kind of a flip thing but has turned in to more of a Cassandra screaming in mute horror thing. I strongly agree with the third worldists about America’s revolutionary potential. I can’t see anything happening here for a generation, and I don’t know that there’s much American leftists can do except protect people where we can and try to trip up the empire if possible.

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
    6 months ago

    “Oh yeah I’m very political myself I’ve seen people like you and we just let you pretend to be freedom fighters”

    “we just let you” implies political power and a mass base, this ‘person’ has never been in the company of either. A sniveling, brainless, soylent guzzling, filthy american cuck to the elite.

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    They are eternally children parading around in their parent’s clothes, play-acting at importance with grand vagueness and a quiet desperation that curdles into malice if you challenge the ignorance that underlies their identities as suave disseminators of Common Sense.