Jesus: is crucified

Catholics: “Look at how good this Friday is”

Getting brutally tortured and crucified sounds like a pretty terrible Friday to me. An actual Good Friday would be like, Jesus getting high with his buddies and playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 on the PS1 while eating pizza.

Can someone please explain this.

EDIT: How about “Good Friday” but it’s Jesus getting high with Ice Cube and Chris Tucker.

  • there would probably be some kind of timing and logic if HOLY MOTHER CHURCH wasn’t basically an ad-hoc variety show, hot-glued together to overwrite pagan holidays–spring being a big deal, because it’s time to sow seeds, the grass is growing for animals chomp on, and life is BACK baby–while simultaneously diffusing the revolutionary fervor of this wack cult coming out of judea that was popular with the destitute and edgy rich people into something the roman imperial machine (DVDES ROCK SPQR) can accept and use to subjugate/enslave.

    once you accept that the big christian holidays are an improvisational sketch to appropriate the instinctive enthusiasm and desire to mark the passage of seasons, [the sun, the moon, and the stars] but keep the focus on the clown show instead of what’s behind the curtain, it’s easy to understand why it’s slapdash and withers under scrutiny.

    yeah yeah, jesus was cool. that’s why they lit his ass up… and now they want to be the ones to tell the story? sorry, we can all read now. the only redemption going on is the sun returning (#NorthernHemisphereGang) with its long days and giving us another year of food, textiles, and building materials. everything else being celebrated is grabass.