• Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
    1 year ago

    Lol no, you haven’t. Because if you had you’d know that kids getting actual irreversible gender surgery are a vast minority of trans kids, yet Fox news acts and preaches that they’re somehow the vast majority. Most left leaning people (myself included) are also hesitant to against having someone under the age of 18 go through irreversible surgery.

    Which you completely ignored because you only regurgitated what your talking points told you to. When really most of us simply want people to live freely, how they want to, without the government telling them what they can or can’t do. If a kid wants to wear a dress who cares? If a girl decides she would rather wear jeans and a tshirt and get a buzz cut literally who cares. That therapy around gender issues should be accessible to everyone, that’s the actual issue.

    But keep listening to Fox news who tells you that we’re coming after kids with a scalpel while burning a bible. Seriously, read some other sources.