The games and their results

Hades 2 - Result: No data loss.

Still Wakes The Deep - Result: Absolutely fuckaw.

Dread Delusion - Result: Getting very bored of entering my Windows password.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Result: Regret starting this pointless experiment.

Alien: Isolation - Result: Just glad this is over, to be honest.

    4 months ago

    It’s usually when I’m having a discussion and someone tries derailing it with some BS or joke which happens far too frequently in some communities.

    But yeah, I get it, people can be abrasive, not everyone needs to communicate the way you want them too either as well. Life always going to be how YOU want it to be and reality is usually far worse than what people want to make seem “normal”. Lotta people put on a face in public just to seem pleasant to people. It’s requirement for most customer facing jobs.

    The dude was abrasive with me first, but fuck me I guess eh?