The amount of bullshit there is to make things work is… not that bad. When it comes to games, I just can’t. Having to reboot just to fix common FPS issues is too much. I’ve had a bunch of things that require a config change, which then has caused other issues.

The state of Linux Desktop is the best it has ever been and I’ll be back the moment Wayland works better. I love Linux, but for now, it’s not working out for me… Just needed to vent, thanks for reading.

    2 months ago

    Let’s use bazzite.

    I just need this one package.

    Wait, it’s all read-only? Always has been.

          2 months ago

          It’s a steering wheel driver.

          Could you perhaps be more precise? Is it a specific one? Or are there a multitude of steering wheel drivers that satisfy your needs?

          And virtualbox.

          Do you specifically need VirtualBox? Or would Qemu/KVM satisfy your needs?

          IIRC VirtualBox requires kernel mods. Therefore, you would have to create your own images 😅 in which said kernel mod is included. FWIW, both uBlue’s templates and BlueBuild do a wonderful job at streamlining this process.

          Or…, as alluded before, you don’t necessarily need VirtualBox. But, instead, Qemu/KVM perfectly satisfy your needs. Then, you can just run ujust setup-virtualization. After which you reboot, and you would be good to go.

            2 months ago

            Im describing a use case of my friend whom I convinced to use linux instead of windows for gaming. His steering wheel is on this list:

            While not being tech illiterate he wasn’t thrilled to build his own fork of the OS and I don’t blame him. He also wanted to use virtualbox, and I won’t force him to switch to qemu or kvm because Im not a gnome developer to invalidate someones use cases. He settled for endeavor os and is very happy with it.

            IMO immutable distros aren’t a best fit for a desktop computer. It can do so much more than gaming and turning it into a dedicated console is a step back if a normal linux distro can do just as well.

              2 months ago

              Thanks for clarifying!

              IMO immutable distros aren’t a best fit for a desktop computer. It can do so much more than gaming and turning it into a dedicated console is a step back if a normal linux distro can do just as well.

              I would personally nuance this to: Current iterations of ‘immutable distros’ that have evolved from traditional distros haven’t matured sufficiently yet to tackle 99.99% of the use cases ‘easily’.” The exact number on the percentage I don’t know. I believe most people that use their PCs as a glorified app launcher should be more than fine. But we start experiencing major difficulties the very moment that (a)kmods are involved; some of which are ‘supported’~ish, while others certainly aren’t.

              But, I simply fail to see why a future iteration would not be able to solve related issues.