A WorldNews mod removed this comment and banned me from WorldNews, claimed in the modlog for ‘trolling, islamophobia’. An admin then restored the comment, but the ban is apparently still in place.

Does this mod’s summary judgement of this comment mean I’m forever banned from WorldNews?

EDIT: I realized you can filter by mods to find out who banned me. It was @Newsman, but I looked about a couple hours later and they’re no longer mods in World News, but looks like I’m still banned. Oh well, at least they’ve been shown the door. That’s progress.

    1 year ago

    I don’t see anything Islamophobic about your comment. I’m actually a specialist in studying the literature of Muslims living in the diaspora, which means I have a PhD about Islamophobia. You were making a comment on religion in general. I found it quite funny, actually. This moderator should be banned, not you. The problem here is that the moderator is not intelligent enough to read and comprehend the comment stream and is just taking wild guesses at stuff. This is the type of crap a select few moderators pulled on Reddit with their personal preferences and lack of reading ability. I believe that it is an embarrassment to to have a moderator like this one on here in charge of world news. It really sends the wrong impression out into the world, as it were. The world news moderator on is incompetent. Very bad publicity.