AernaLingus [any]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 6th, 2022


  • AernaLingus [any]@hexbear.nettochapotraphouse@hexbear.netSaladarity
    3 months ago

    I just tried the turning off method and it worked great on my electric smoothtop! Brought the water to a boil, put in my pasta, left in on for three minutes, and then covered for the remaining seven minutes. It did boil over a bit after covering, but that’s on me for setting too high a temperature after adding the pasta. Still came out perfectly al dente! Now, this was with Mueller’s, which is an American brand that I find significantly better than the standard US-produced Barilla even though it’s a bit cheaper (highly recommend giving it a shot!), but I wouldn’t call it fancy–will be interesting to try it with De Cecco and see if I encounter the gumminess you mentioned.

  • It is an older phone, so I don’t expect things to run perfectly, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a site lag as badly as ProleWiki did, and the fact that it runs perfectly in Chrome makes me think there’s some small quirk of how the pages are generated that Firefox’s rendering engine chokes on.

    …although idk, I just went back and it seems fine now—maybe it was just something transient with my device.

  • Cranky's takes, taken straight from the manual:


    So let’s see what nonsense they’ve made up for this game, shall we?

    Hmm… well, I have to hand it to them. This time they’ve managed to come up with a decent sotryline that doesn’t involve the usual golden bananas. Only joking kids! This one’s worse than all the previous efforts put together! I know you probably aren’t expecting a best seller, but wait till you hear this load of rubbish…

    Chimpy Controls [which has a picture of the N64 controller]

    Arrgh! What is that thing? Which way do I hold it? There are too many buttons… and this wobbly stick-thing feels like it’s broken! I can’t believe players use this silly controller contraption to play games! A good solid joystick and one button is all I’d need!

    Cranky’s Special Abilities

    Ah, this is where I come in. Let’s face it, the Kongs’ basic abilities are only a pale shadow of my former skills. In order to give them a chance to progress, I will generously let you buy a few of my special potions from time to time in order to make those kids a little less embarrassingly useless. Some abilities can be used anywhere, but others require the use of my pads or barrels with the fate of the appropriate character on them.

    Monkey Multiplayer

    It’s true, I’m afraid. They’ve gone and included one of those awful multiplayer modes that seem to be all the fashion these days. This means you and some other whippersnappers can huddle round your flickering screen and play a few games that I reckon were thrown in at the last minute and will be average at best. I sure hope I’m in some of them though—I’d just love to whup some of these young wannabes’ behinds!

    The Levels

    Now where did they put the level I designed? Hmm… I can’t seem to find it. It was called the “Great Girder Grapple” as I remember. Oooh, I must hove spent at least 3 minutes working on it. I even drew them a fancy little picture. Bah! It must have been too good for them. The kids would have refused to play their fancy 3-D levels once they’d gotten o taste of my 2-D girder action! Don’t give up hope though; they might have hidden it somewhere like a priceless gem, hoping that no one will ever find it…

    Cranky’s Tips

    Tough luck kid. I’ve told to keep my mouth shut, as they want to keep all the good stuff for a money-making strategy guide. I’m sure some of it will appear on that newfangled “internet” thing as well, so I suggest you take a look-see there. You could also ask your friends, assuming of course you’ve got any. If all else fails, you’ll just have to play better.

    (PDF of the manual)

  • Is anyone else experience severe slowdown when scrolling on ProleWiki in Firefox (but not Chrome) for Android? On my Android phone it seems like scrolling works fine for the first ~1cm, but if I go past that the framework craters–I’d guess down to like ~20 FPS? It’s even worse when there are more complex elements on screen (e.g. when I scroll past the “top contributors” table on the front page it seems like it dips into single digit FPS territory). I checked out a few random other MediaWiki projects and while I did notice some slight slowdown when scrolling on some, it’s subtle enough that I might not have noticed it (or just chalked it up to a general problem with my phone) were I not actively looking for it.