BodyBySisyphus [he/him]

  • 33 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 17th, 2021


  • If you wanted, you could argue it from a purely technocratic perspective and say, sure, the lack of state funding for colleges made college less affordable, but there was still the implicit promise that if you took out loans to finance your education and that education didn’t make you financially better off, the state would reassume the burden. In fact, the affordability crisis might have gotten attention sooner if it did lead to a lot of bankruptcies because the federal government would suddenly be out a lot of money and it would be incentivized to pressure states to keep costs down.

    Focus the conversation on Joe’s decision to remove bankruptcy protections, because that’s the issue - there was a safety valve (that most likely sucked, but it was at least there) where borrowers could get relief, Joe took that valve away, and that has allowed the problem to fester far beyond the measures he’s taken to ameliorate it.

  • So if Plan A was to throw as much of Ukraine into the meat grinder as possible while eventually delivering defeat by economic and/or industrial exhaustion to Russia so that the ruins of both countries could be sold off for parts, what’s Plan B now that it’s not working? Is The West TM stuck grinding this out until Ukraine is forced to sue for peace, and Halliburton et al. will have to console themselves with all the defense contracts awarded along the way, or are we going to hear increasingly escalating rhetoric until a really big bomb gets dropped somewhere where it does a whole lot of damage and things go extra pear-shaped?