CascadeOfLight [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 13th, 2023


  • I was thinking about this and also those big charts of ‘conservativecore’ films and video games and it’s literally just whatever the person making the chart likes, because as you said the crucial thing is superficiality: there is no underlying reason or rational basis for their worldview or aesthetics, all they can do is take a thing that they personally think is good (based on whatever their arbitrary tastes are) and then claim that thing is the enlightened pinnacle of human culture - and that [whatever it is] needs to be defended from the woke hordes who MUST be desperate to destroy it because it’s good, and their enemies simply hate things that are good, for no reason, because they’re evil.

    So they both assume they have a monopoly on liking any random thing that large numbers of people are likely to enjoy, AND they gloat about how conservative society’s tastes supposedly are, not because of the ideological dominance of capitalist rhetoric in all forms of media due to bourgeoise control of the means of production, but because other people like the same things that they like!

  • Rees-Mogg isn’t even an aristocrat, his dad was made a peer when he was already nearly twenty. He just larps it.

    The absolute desperation of the British bourgeoisie to gain a noble title is a crucial pillar of the Crown’s continued existence, which in turn bestows legitimacy on bourgeoise institutions by handing out honors and knighthoods to random bankers and lawyers. The British bourgeoisie domesticated their nobility economically but in turn became domesticated by them culturally. It’s a real disgusting, pathetic mess of the most wretched greyfaced parasitic slime of humanity.

  • I read a post recently, I can’t remember where, that had a phrase that’s been rattling around my head ever since: “Hitler was the Jesus of Europe”

    Hitler took all the sins of European colonialism onto himself and then died, absolving Europeans of the guilt for every crime they committed before, as well as the crimes they would go on to commit after. By raising Hitler and the Nazis to the position of ‘ultimate evil’, and then pretending the western allies opposed and rejected the Nazis from pure and simple moral goodness, they can spin the lie of Europe as being fundamentally good - rather than the truth that the Nazis were a mere intensified extension of the same brutual colonialism that is the true nature of the European powers.

    And of course as part of that, the swastika has to be considered a symbol of literally unspeakable evil, as in you cannot talk about it at all. It’s a huge shame that such a widespread and ancient symbol (I’ve heard it may be based on the positions of the constellation Ursa Major around the pole star on the solstices and equinoxes) is stained in this way, to the extent that any design with curving radial symmetry seems inherently suspicious.

    I’m also glad to see someone else put into words my true revulsion at the Union Jack - needless to say, the same goes a thousand-fold for the Stars and Stripes. When the true history of the world is finally written, that will go down as the single most utterly evil symbol of all time.

  • I agree with your argument but disagree with your conclusion, I think the whole time Putin was trying to make peace with the west in the deeply held and utterly naive belief that Russia could someday become a member of ‘the club’. He - and by he I mean the entire strain of liberal centrist Russian capitalists he represents and is the leading organizer of - assumed that someday Russia would be allowed to sit at the high table with the big boys, carving up the spoils from the rest of the world.

    But of course the west never considered Russia as anything but another meal. It’s clear to us that the US is a pack of bloodthirsty demons and that peace was never an option, but Putin’s tone of shocked disbelief about stuff like them kicking Russia out of SWIFT and freezing their assets seemed genuine. Like he really didn’t believe the NATO empire would throw absolutely everything they had at cracking Russia open until the moment it was happening.