Redditors react to a video of a bike ride around Pyongyang

Video: the most normal city ever filmed

Redditors: So spooky! Everything looks… wrong! This guy is taking his life in his hands to film this! avgn-horror

Also Redditors: Looks too normal, this has to be staged, they’re actors and this is a propaganda channel! phoenix-objection-1phoenix-objection-1

Side note: my tolerance for western bullshit on the DPRK has reached the negatives, five seconds in these comments and you can cook an egg with my blood. Salute to the small handful of brave comrades pushing back on propaganda in the replies kim-salute

  • invo_rt [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Redditors: So spooky! Everything looks… wrong!

    Advertising has corrupted the westoid brain. They long for the ads.


  • Zvyozdochka [comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    Kinds risky to record video there. Also was the camera hidden within a bag (or something), In front of the bike?

    How can these people be so ignorant, this guy literally has a YouTube channel with tons of videos of him just carrying a camera into shops and chatting with the workers and going about his business, no one cares or even bats an eye.

    • kristina [she/her]
      5 months ago

      Yeah he has hundreds of videos, even ones where government workers commented on his camera and did a little smile and wave

      • kristina [she/her]
        5 months ago

        Honestly I feel like the reason why so many tourists are told off about their cameras is because the tourists are rude, chauvinistic, and act like they’re at a zoo. Then the chauvinists back home claim that it’s an authoritarian nightmare when people ask you to stop being an asshole

        • RyanGosling [none/use name]
          5 months ago

          Usually the complaint comes from western tourists or western viewers of other western tourists lol. North Korea seems to allow non-western tourists and students/employees more flexibility to go wherever.

          Plus the western tourists literally sign up for GUIDED tours and get mad they can’t travel to some military base or someone’s workplace lol. Maybe be more trustworthy or have a government that lets you travel to North Korea if you don’t want someone showing you nationalist views and having a strict schedule and area restrictions like every other guided tour

      5 months ago

      The savage northern Koreans don’t have internet though so his youtube channel is safely hidden from their evil eyes.

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      He’s controlled propaganda, just like this video which was obviously staged

      North Korea literally stages things for this person’s YouTube channel

      And even if they don’t, it looks wrong and evil

  • Rom [he/him]
    5 months ago

    why is it so hard to have nuanced views on this sorta thing? NK is an authoritarian hellscape, that doesn’t mean every building is a fake facade, doesn’t mean people are getting tortured in the streets, and it can even mean some (even if very very few) NK may have higher quality of life than people in western countries.

    it’s important to remember that you’re not immune to propaganda. and for those on the other side, just because something is propaganda doesn’t mean it’s not partially true.

    How do redditors manage to survive with so little self awareness? It’s astounding.

      5 months ago

      FYI most people who fall hook line and sinker for propaganda subconsciously (or heck, sometimes consciously) know it’s bullshit, but they pretend to believe it to keep a narrative going that benefits them. Westoids subconsciously (or heck, consciously) know their tasty treats come from US hegemony, and they know spreading bullshit about how awful the rest of the world is helps keep that hegemony intact, so they pretend to believe lies to keep the nuggies coming in.

      • SkingradGuard [he/him]
        5 months ago

        know it’s bullshit, but they pretend to believe it to keep a narrative going that benefits them.

        It doesn’t seem that way to me. I know people who think the PRC is a hellscape where people are starving and disappears people and harvests their organs for thinking the wrong thing. They also think they make you write essays about how you feel about Xi’s speech at work everytime Xi makes a speech.

          5 months ago

          None of them actually truly believed that shit though. They just wanna to demonize a spooky oriental race to make themselves feel superior and powerful so they can justify domination the world for Big Macs. These aren’t good people, they’re narcissistic psychos and there’s no hope for a single one of them.

    • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
      5 months ago

      This is a Redditor coming dangerously close to rationalizing how America can be exactly as it is now while being an authoritarian hellscape but their brain has built in thought-terminating cliches to protect their psyche and avert it at the last moment.

  • booty [he/him]
    5 months ago

    sees regular ass people walking around a regular ass city running their errands or whatever: “omg its so weird

  • Adkml [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Jesus christ these people have no idea that they’re more propogandized than North Koreans.

    there’s no trash because they don’t have enough economy so there’s no packaging to litter with

    north Korea has an economy and produces things

    oh yea most glorious powerful economy in the whole world most powerful DPRK

    Like so the liberals realize they’re just quoting state department propoganda in shitty racist broken speech or do they really say that then pat themselves on the back for being rational and intelligent

    • Lerios [hy/hym]
      5 months ago

      there’s no trash because they don’t have enough economy so there’s no packaging to litter with

      its fucking hilarious to me that libs will find a way to complain about a lack of single use plastics lmao. those poor north koreans don’t even have to right to kill sea turtles wtf doomjak

        5 months ago

        America is the country where if you don’t have way too much food on your store shelves then people will not shop at your grocery store. Try to reintroduce wrapping food in paper sourced from well-managed forestries and they’ll think it’s a hippie gimmick and compensate by rolling coal in the parking lot.

        • KhanCipher [none/use name]
          5 months ago

          America is the country where if you don’t have way too much food on your store shelves then people will not shop at your grocery store.

          Which is a real observable behavior you see in americans, in part because (for example) if there’s only a couple tomatoes left in a case that holds 30+ it’s become a sorta cultural natural reaction to think that there must be something wrong with them regardless of their actual condition. Which considering how often scam artists were and still are a thing here in the states and the general distrust of government institutions, it’s not surprising one bit why you see this behavior happen frequently here.

          Edit: I’m not sure why exactly this behavior exists, but that’s what makes the most sense to me. And that i know my grandmother has this ingrained in her and she was born in the 50s, but that doesn’t quite make sense as she was influenced by the waste nothing attitude from her parents who grew up in the great depression.

            5 months ago

            It’s related to a common bit of culture shock that occurred whenever Soviets visited America. In the USSR grocery stores would stock goods according to the population of an area, and put out about as much product as they expected to sell that day, leading to far less waste but also making them vulnerable to supply shocks and teaching everybody that if you wanted the best cut of meat you had to plan to be there when it was delivered. People with that mentality seeing overstocked US shelves for the first time naturally thought it was wild, including government higher ups who had access to private grocery stores as a privilege of their rank in the party.

            This is often spun in Western media as an exclusively communist thing, an indicator of how everything in the soviet world was scarce and rationed, but it’s a bit of culture shock that people from just about every non-Western country has when encountering Western excess for the first time - hell, even in modern day Europe the grocery stores are a lot more modest than American ones, simply because their culture hasn’t embraced the excess to the same degrees as ours has.

            I’m sure it’s ingrained in me too just as much as everyone else, even though I think the more rational way to run a grocery store is the one that reduces waste while still ensuring ample access to food (insert FBI study on American vs Soviet calories and nutrition here). tldr brainworms

  • TechnoUnionTypeBeat [he/him, they/them]
    5 months ago

    I love the inherent white chauvinism of Redditors out here believing that the entire country exists to do a little song and dance for every white person who comes by. If you asked a Redditor what makes more sense, that a shopkeeper in Pyongyang is actually just a shopkeeper, or is actually some unpaid slave from a factory who’s been forced at gunpoint to act like a shopkeeper, they’ll always choose the latter

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      This entire perception has to come from how western journalists are treated there. Yeah, no shit western journalists are given a dog and pony show because they’re not trusted. The DPRK knows western journalists only to there to make the place look bad, so why even let them interact with normal society?

        5 months ago

        Imagine you’re trying to have a normal day and a white dude comes in like,

        is-this the place where they drown dissidents?

        And you’ve gotta be like, “sir this is a water park”

  • Yllych [any]
    5 months ago

    I mean could use a little more colour imo but defending themselves from imperial powers comes first over aesthetic building facades.

    also no gridlock, exhaust fumes, etc this looks very calm and confirms the notion that cities can actually be somewhat peaceful, it’s just cars that ruin it.

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Looks like an overcast winter day where all the trees have no leaves. Picture looks a bit desaturated as well.

      The city seems reasonably colorful when you look up and see the skyline.

        5 months ago

        Honestly it just looks like a city in northern Japan. Go figure, a city in northern east Asia looks like a city in northern east Asia.

        • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
          5 months ago

          I could probably take footage from a random suburb in Sapporo, tell redditors it’s the DPRK and they’d come up with all sorts of nightmarish stories of oppression lurking beneath the seemingly normal place

  • regul [any]
    5 months ago

    For a city that has so few cars it’s disappointing that bikes seem to be relegated to the sidewalks, especially because the sidewalks seem much busier than the streets.

    Does anyone know if bikes aren’t allowed on streets or if this person was just riding on the sidewalk out of an abundance of caution?

    • wopazoo [he/him]
      5 months ago

      Does anyone know if bikes aren’t allowed on streets or if this person was just riding on the sidewalk out of an abundance of caution?

      the author responds to a comment on the youtube video:

      There are not many bicycle lanes in Pyongyang, the road I passed in this video does not have a special bicycle lane, the law in North Korea is that we are not allowed to ride a bicycle when crossing, we must get off the bicycle when crossing. In this video my friend and I are also discussing “should we cycle on the sidewalk or on the road, because sometimes we are prohibited from cycling on the sidewalk and sometimes we are prohibited from cycling on the road”.

      • booty [he/him]
        5 months ago

        In this video my friend and I are also discussing “should we cycle on the sidewalk or on the road, because sometimes we are prohibited from cycling on the sidewalk and sometimes we are prohibited from cycling on the road”.

        lmao ive been there

  • Kaplya [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    I am reposting (and expanded on) my comment from another thread because I see so much misinformation about North Korea.

    I think people have seriously underestimated North Korea.

    Let me remind you that in the 1960s, North Korea and Japan were the two Asian economies that mattered! North Korean GDP per capita in the 1960s was higher than the GDP per capita of China and South Korea.

    When Japan colonized Korea, they divided the country into the North and the South regions, with the North prioritized on industrialization (concentrated mostly in North Hamgyong, South Hamgyong and Pyongyang) while the South focused on agriculture. After Japan surrendered, the Chinese Civil War ensued. Mao was so adamant about capturing the Northeast province of China (Manchuria), where the Japanese heavy industries were situated, that he was willing to give up all the bases across China just to get to the Northeast. After the Chinese communists controlled the Northeast, much of their industrial and mechanized supplies came from the industrial base of North Korea.

    North Korea in the 1960s to the 1980s was a confident, industrialized nation. South Korea did not overtake the North until after the mid-1970s.

    The post-Korean War rebound after being bombed by the Americans was real. East German media in the 1960s called North Korea an “economic miracle of the Far East” and compared favorably with post-war Japan’s reconstruction.

    By the late 1960s, North Korean rural villages were fully electrified.

    (Let me give you some perspective here: the per capita electric consumption in the 1960s was 5 times that of China’s! The first Chinese province to be fully electrified was Shandong province in 1996, and nationwide electrification was only achieved in 2015 - the last province being Qingdao)

    By the late 1970s, North Korea achieved food self-sufficency, and realized free education and healthcare for all its people.

    By the late 1980s, 70% of North Korean agriculture was fully mechanized.

    In the 70s, North Korea produced 6 million ton of grain annually. By 1984, it broke a record of 10 million ton of grain production! In case this was not clear, they almost doubled their food production in just over a decade!

    The North Koreans built the Nampo Dam (West Sea Barrage) in just 5 years, from 1981 to 1986, with a cost of $4 BILLION dollars. An impressive feat of engineering, and they were so confident and proud of themselves that they proclaimed the West Sea Barrage as the “8th Wonder of the World”.

    The West Sea Barrage was built was to prevent the intrusion of seawater caused by the tidal floods of the Yellow Sea into the Taedong river. The salinity of the water supply has always caused issues for irrigation of the farmlands, and a dam that blocks the intrusion of seawater was critical to supply fresh water for their farming activities (the Nampo Dam itself is a reservoir that stores up to several billion cubic meters of fresh water).

    Why is this important? And where did it all go wrong?

    Well, we have to understand the problem with the Korean peninsula. The North in particularly is cursed with mountainous regions, with only less than 25% of its land flat enough and suitable for large scale agriculture.

    Fun fact: Pyongyang (平壤) literally means “flat land”. Imagine a country with such mountainous terrain that they named that one place “the flat land”.

    Food self-sufficiency is an inherent problem for North Korea. This is a problem for the South as well, but to a lesser extent, and they chose to industrialize and use their export earnings to import food. For the North Koreans, they chose to tackle this critical issue head on. As such, as the DPRK achieved their industrialization goals of the Chollima Movement (the “thousand-li horse movement”) by the 1960s, they began to turn to resolve their food insecurity problem.

    With so little area for agriculture, the North Koreans began to clear the forests of the mountainous areas to implement terrace farming. This large scale deforestation would lead to severe consequences later as the soil erosion from such steep angled terrains (really cursed place) resulted in the loss of fertile soil and serious degradation of agricultural output decades later.

    At the same time, owing to their industrial base and with the support from the USSR and PRC (the DPRK maintained a fine balance in its relationship with both countries after the Sino-Soviet split), they began to implement mechanization of their agricultural economy. Farming output shot through the roof, reaching 10 million ton of grain production by 1984.

    However, there are severe issues that accompanied such rapid development. Apart from the deforestation of the steep terrain that caused ecological issues and loss of fertile soil, North Korea itself does not have energy self-sufficiency. Its farming activities were highly mechanized, which means that it needs to consume a huge quantity of fossil fuel to sustain the agricultural production. North Korean economy thus became over-dependent on fossil fuel, which it doesn’t produce itself. (They did have coal mining but you can’t use them to power mechanized equipments.) This was not a problem when the USSR was able to provide ample supply of cheap oil to the DPRK, however as the USSR became entangled in the war in Afghanistan and the Middle East in the 1980s, its dwindling economy could no longer support the North Korean economy as it used to.

    Following the collapse of the USSR in the 1990s, fuel export to North Korea plummeted, and the North Koreans soon found themselves in a crisis of energy shortage. Trade plummeted from 53% with the USSR to merely 3% with Russia in 1995. By that time, food production had already substantially fallen and the DPRK fell back to food insecurity once again, and never recovered from that. Food and energy crisis both at once is the bane of any industrialized society.

    Famine ensued in the 1990s (the March of Suffering). The series of floods in 1995 was particularly bad, exacerbated by the deforestation decades earlier, and caused much destruction to their arable lands, mining industries, and various economic infrastructures. The UN estimated the cost of destruction to be at $15 billion.

    There have always been questions and debates about whether the DPRK had over-invested in their agricultural policy. The West Sea Barrage was a huge undertaking and financial investment, costing $4 billion dollars. You can clearly tell that their motives were obviously heavily influenced by the socialist mentality of “man will overcome nature”, but perhaps sometimes the conditions simply weren’t there, especially in such a cursed place as the Korean peninsula. South Korea avoided this problem by largely focusing on the manufacturing sector and turned to importing food instead (agriculture comprised only 2% of South Korea’s GDP, but it never went below 20% for North Korea). I don’t have a good answer but it is certainly an interesting part of history that should be examined deeper.