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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I think you’re on the money there. Copyright was originally intended as industry regulation, a way to prevent larger book publishers from just copying a smaller publisher’s book on day one and flooding the market with their copies. It’s applied to many more industries than just books (good!) but also to a wider group than actual publishers (bad!). When someone running a massive free ROMs site gets taken down, that’s probably reasonable, they’re playing the role of a publisher there and unfairly undercutting the competition (although the penalties in the US are still absurdly steep, as they usually are for individuals in this country). But when someone gets attacked for posting an image on social media, or streamers have to worry about the music playing in their games, or ISPs have to enforce against downloaders of pirated software, or modders have to be careful about linking their mod in such a way that no original code is included, that’s not what copyright should be.

  • Some of those laws are no longer on the books, so I wonder about that one. Like, what does “around the town square” actually mean? There’s not a straightforward “town square” in Oxford. And while the article asks “What exactly happened to make Oxford so protective of its town square?”, you and I both know the answer is “drunk college students”. Also funny that they don’t actually show the public sidewalk, but instead the little square between Elliot and Stoddard for the sidewalk law.

    Edit: a quick search through the municipal traffic codes doesn’t reveal anything, so I’m guessing this is one of Miami’s many rumors that happened to get picked up by a less-than-thourough website. Or potentially it used to exist but no longer does. Or maybe I missed it, but I’m willing to bet that’s not the case.