• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • My state’a standardized test says kids are “at risk” if they aren’t in the top 40% of the test. The top 50% could all be traditional “a-b” students. But because they weren’t in the top 80% of a-b students they are at risk for failing academically… It’s so asinine and disheartening. The last half of the year is devoted to this idiotic test. Kids could be learning stuff that will enrich themselves… Instead they are learnig how to take a test better.

  • Technically, both gun ownership rights and abortion rights were based on supreme Court interpretation of the 2nd and 14th amendments (respectively). Given the reversal of the right to abortion under the 14th amendment, an argument could be made that a similar reversal is due for the 2nd amendment as well. The 2nd amendment could simply be interpreted to mean that gun ownership is only a right as part of a "well regulated militia.'. In my opinion, that is the plain meaning of the provision anyway, but I’m just a gun toting liberal that doesn’t get sexually aroused or validated by the size of my firearm.