Melonius [he/him]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Nonsense, workers love having profits stolen from them. It is simply the barriers to entry to find new jobs has gotten too high.

    Doing the bare minimum lets the worker derive D amount of surplus value. There is an amount, T , that workers would be willing to pay to be able to switch to a job that they enjoy doing more, however the job search and resume crafting costs workers an amount of work, say R.

    R - T < D will cause an employee to switch jobs and potentially be more productive, so we must make machine reading of resumes illegal subsidize career matching companies to help workers find the job of their dreams for a nominal fee, F , where F < R

    D should also be reduced. In our institutes sampling, D declines dramatically when workers receive death threats, assisting in the lubrication of worker mobility to areas of enhanced productivity in the free market.

  • I think this article covered my feelings on the game pretty well. The pawn thing hasn’t affected me personally but I could see it being a big mood killer for anyone unlucky enough to have it affect them.

    For the first part of the game difficulty felt very right. Each encounter was potentially life threatening. Once you’ve leveled a bit though the encounters can start getting annoying. I only feel like it’s difficult if my party is fatigued and a major encounter suddenly shows up. Some abilities are also very unbalanced and the natural tendency to min/max can exacerbate the difficulty problem.

    I think they identified what makes dragons dogma so unique with the lack of fast travel. My favorite memories of skyrim are of roaming around finding side quests on the way to a destination and Dragons Dogma manages to capture that feeling over and over again. The different encounters, night vs day, side quests, and the importance of looting basic enemies keep the journey aspect of it fresh.

    I’m hoping for a patch for the cpu issues and a rebalance of some abilities / enemy difficulties