OrionsMask [he/him,any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2020


  • Some days I desperately want horrible things to happen to (many of) my coworkers. All of them are white, and my manager in particular is a horrible person. Constantly micro managing, pretending she’s so busy when every time I talk to her she’s whining about not wanting to do work, constantly creating more work for everyone else to do to give the appearance of being busy, incredibly judgmental and passive aggressive but too chickenshit to actually be proactive in discussing issues, paranoid as fuck and will be suspicious of others with no evidence whatsoever. Just the worst type of person to be put in a managerial role, as is often the case. I’ve been thinking about quitting every day for about a month now because of how she and others in the team treat me. Honestly, if I valued myself more, I would have left a long time ago.

    There’s one guy in the team who’s anxious and his anxiety manifests by being extremely physically guarded around me whenever I’m near, as if I’m going to pick his pockets. We’ve worked together for years at this point and he still behaves this way. Doesn’t do it with anyone else in the team. I’ve always tried to be nice to him and have never done anything to make him think I was a thief. I love it when mental illness and racism intersect. He’s also a podcast person so his paranoia is likely fuelled by stupid amounts of true crime nonsense, which then gets taken out on me as the only non-white person he likely interacts with on a frequent basis.

    Pretty much everyone in the team treats me as lesser one way or another and I’m getting to the end of my rope with it. But what am I going to do? Join a company with no crackers in it?

  • I understand. I feel the same way a lot of the time. I’m sorry about that other person, they were obviously frustrated but being dismissive of your lived experience and throwing it in your face just because you didn’t immediately accept their vague sentiments isn’t fair.

    I’m the only non-white person in my team at work. My manager and several members of my team have always treated me with more scrutiny, more suspicion, less leeway than they give any of the others. Less professional courtesy in general. I didn’t invent these enemies, I tried to fit in the best I could but there’s something ingrained inside of them that tells them that I’m lesser than they are and they act on it. That’s just in a work environment, now just imagine how much worse it is in a social setting.

    So I understand. It’s not as simple as just “seeing people as friends rather than enemies.” Sometimes what you choose to see people as doesn’t change anything, unless the solution being advocated is for you to diminish your own dignity and self and blind yourself to people’s hostilities towards you. Which is what we all do anyway. It doesn’t make you feel any more accepted.

  • Disclaimer: I’ve not kept up with Assange goings on so if there’s any dirty laundry there, I’m not aware of it. The below is purely about the WikiLeaks stuff.

    Seconding the Snowden reaction sadly, except it was Julian Assange… I actually have a memory of that that makes me cringe incredibly hard. I was at a birthday party at a friend’s house and someone there was so drunk that they went full mask off and were openly sieg heiling and saying Nazi shit (really unpleasant 4chan loser type who my friends subsequently downplayed the actions of, but that’s another story)…

    Anyway, I got into a number of political arguments with them and the topic of Assange came up and I said something along the lines of: “Why shouldn’t he be arrested? He’s a criminal.” The Nazi guy just looked so frustrated and said “aaaaargh, mainstream media!!!”

    It was only a few years later that I realised, oh shit, he was right about that one. I was just parroting what the news was saying about Assange. I was so lib that I allowed a Nazi to have a more informed position than me. That’s a hard one to live down.

  • I… see… I think…

    I wanted to respond with “hey, what the fuck does this mean” or “I don’t get it” but upon further reading, that’s it. There’s nothing else to get. It’s exactly as you said. Thank you for explaining.

    Next question, what does crackers “posting yakub stuff” mean? And why is it banned? Does it mean posting stuff that would be considered yakubian white devil shit or is it the referencing of yakub that’s bad?

  • I didn’t realise that port forwarding was so intertwined with CSAM. :/ I just know it’s required for torrenting. I actually used to use Mullvad and PIA but moved away from both because they did things that made them look sketchy/cooperated with authorities.

    I’d like to think I’d never be in a position to be on the receiving end of a wiretap, but noted, you never know. I do think that two VPNs might be a bit overkill to assuage my own paranoia though… You’ve sufficiently put me off Windscribe at the very least lmao. I’ll look for a VPN not in a 14 eyes country and since you evidently trust Mullvad, I’ll look into it again too and see if I can make do. Thanks for your insight!

  • Thanks for the reply. That’s a fair point, but when the time comes to be forced, they may have nothing to provide because of that ideological commitment, no? Windscribe in particular boasts a no logging policy, so what do they have to offer really when push comes to shove? It’s been tested as well, one of their servers in Ukraine was seized by local authorities and not only did they self-report the seizure a week later, apparently nothing came of the seizure apart from a few leaked usernames. Am I being naive in thinking this is a demonstration of their claims?

    I don’t want to get too specific about my use cases for obvious reasons, but I live in the UK and I’m sure you’ve heard that our privacy is slowly being completely hollowed out by legislation. Plus the government has been steadily criminalising several forms of protest, to the point that I worry that even having history on a site like this may one day be an issue. Basically I’m trying to take greater steps to protect my privacy (and services like port forwarding are useful too).

  • Sorry for messaging on a month-old thread but you seem like you know what you’re talking about. Choosing a solid VPN seems like a minefield between paid sponsorships and reviews, location of headquarters, potential ties to intelligence agencies, privacy features, prices, etc. etc. etc.

    I wanted to get your thoughts on Windscribe as a potential all round good VPN. They talk a real solid game in their blog posts and seem to be very ideologically driven, and they tick all the right boxes… except that they are headquartered in Canada. Do you have any thoughts about them? Would you recommend steering clear or do you think they’re solid?

    Many thanks!