PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]

Anarchist, autistic, engineer, and Certified Professional Life-Regretter. If you got a brick of text, don’t be alarmed; that’s normal.

No, I’m not interested in voting for your candidate.

  • 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • They created a good product so people used it and there were no alternatives when it got shit.

    They created an inherently centralizing implementation of a video sharing platform. Even if it was done with good intentions (which it wasn’t, it was some capitalist’s hustle, and its social importance is a side effect), we should basically always condemn centralizing implementations of a given technology because they reinforce existing power structures regardless of the intentions of their creators.

    It’s their fault because they’re a corporation that does what corporations do. Even when corporations try to do right by the world (which is an extremely generous appraisal of YouTube’s existence), they still manage to create centralizing technologies that ultimately serve to reinforce their existing power, because that’s all they can do. Otherwise, they would have set themselves up as a non-profit or some other type of organization. I refuse to accept the notion of a good corporation.

    There’s no lock in. They don’t force you off the platform if you post elsewhere (like twitch did).

    That’s a good point, but while there isn’t a de jure lock-in for creators, there is a de facto lock-in that prevents them from migrating elsewhere. Namely, that YouTube is a centralized, proprietary service, which can’t be accessed from other services.

  • I didn’t ask for your answer, I asked for your opinion. I already knew that you didn’t have the answer. Nether do I.


    I do, however, have a great love for game theory, and game theory tells me that there’s only one correct decision to make where voting in the USA in 2024 is concerned.

    Any recommendations for game theory resources? I’ve been putting it off for a while.

    I hope this doesn’t come across as condescending. I don’t mean it that way but people often tell me I’m being condescending.

    Don’t you just hate it when that happens? I’ve been there so many times. I feel you.

    I wish you all the best in life. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you in any way, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you want a conversational partner or a sympathetic ear. I’m always open to discussing the world with intelligent people.

    Will do. This honestly means the world because I don’t have a lot of players in my court.

    If you’re interested in communal living or alternative lifestyles (at it pertains to anarchist communities), I’m happy to help there, as well. I think I still have some friends that know folx at Emma Goldman Finishing School in Seattle. Admittedly, I don’t know if they’re looking for any new members right now, but I’d be happy to put a word in for you.

    Unfortunately, I’m kinda stuck on the “poor grad student” path. Got oodles of loans to pay off, but I also got tons of new tools and solutions to technical problems that I’ll likely never be allowed to work on. IMO I’d be more useful paying their bail funds as a successful engineer than living there and being a nuisance…because I am a nuisance to live with lol. I dormed for a few semesters and I can count on two hands the number of times I ever talked to my suitemates or neighbors, and one of them was a really nice dude.

  • The Answer.

    From the song’s lyrics:

    I don’t believe you have the answer

    I’ve got ideas too

    but if you’ve got enough naivete

    and you’ve got conviction

    then the answer is perfect for you

    That’s kind of an obnoxious response when you yourself said:

    I fear that you’re mistaking your own pessimism for absolute truth, but I’m willing to be convinced otherwise.

    (emphasis mine) followed by:

    What, in your view, needs to be done?

    Like you basically asked for my answer after saying you’d be willing to be convinced. You asked “what needs to be done?”, and I replied with things that I think need to be done. If you didn’t ask, I would have kept my mouth shut because frankly I’m pathologically disinterested in telling people what to do, probably to a fault. If you weren’t convinced then that’s fine, but it’s just kind of obnoxious to ask for an answer and then chide me for giving you my answer.

    When fascists take power it’s not unheard of for them to line up commies and anarchists against a wall and shoot them.

    Yes, and that’s why we need to prepare ourselves for when they do, which they WILL do regardless of who gets elected as the figurehead.

    I’m all for ideological utopianism

    I’m not [2]! I have explained over and over again all throughout my responses in this post’s comment section that I have very practical motivations for why voting is a waste of time. I encourage you to go through my comment history and see what I have said to others in this thread.

    but preserving your moral superiority…

    Yo literally the first thing I posted in this comment section was a meme dunking on the delegates and their misery, which is bar none the most engagement I have received on any comment and almost all of it negative. No one here thinks I’m morally superior. And in case you were wondering, I don’t like me either.

    So let’s explicitly do away with the moral superiority pretense [1].

    … is little comfort when you and your family are staring down the barrel of a fascist’s gun.

    Yes, exactly, that’s why we need to build our community defenses against these fascist pricks before they kill us, keeping in mind that we’re in a liberal dominated community on a “civility-at-all-costs” instance where we’re not allowed to talk seriously about revolution!

    But as I have said to other users, particularly the comment you initially replied to:

    I got no beef with people voting for Democrats in the general election, even though I disagree with their choice, because it doesn’t affect the outcome of anything. My beef is with these delegates, these people in a position of influence and power.

    So go vote Democrat if that makes you feel safe, I’m not going to bring it up again because it doesn’t matter, but I’m not gonna pretend that it’s helpful.

    But also keep in mind that these are the assholes who platformed a cop over a Palestinian in the middle of their genocide…

    Again, I invite you to reread what I’ve commented to you so far, and to go through my comment history and see what I’ve said to others.

    [1] Really, my position is, boiled down, that supposedly “practical” solutions that violate common morality (for example, letting people die to save money in *insert industry here*) are not really practical at all. This inextricably couples practicality to morality.

    Frankly, as a human actor who fails to always act practically, I acknowledge that for similar reasons, sometimes I also fail to act morally, i.e. in laughing at the pain of other humans because they happen to collude with an evil institution. Hence why I reject the idea that I am morally superior, and that I have asserted as such anywhere in this comment section.

    And in the sense that the means should reflect the ends, I admit that I haven’t lived up to my own ideals, out of anger and irritation at the constant stream of bullshit being foisted on me and everyone I know by these very Democrat ghouls.

    But I don’t believe that I need to be a perfect moral actor to speak out about Palestine and the fascists at the DNC!

    [2] For similar reasons as those in [1], ideology should be coupled to practicality, which itself should be coupled to morality. Hence why I’m not interested in anarchism as a utopian ideology where anything is prescribed, but as a practical solution for humanity to overcome capitalism.

  • That happened on reddit all the time, minus the instance part. Remember /r/freefolk?

    The “instance part” is absolutely huge. If I wanted to, I could go start a /c/lemmyshitpost on SDF Lemmy [1] with a completely new set of rules [2], particularly a set of rules that possibly would violate’s TOS or possibly even the law in’s jurisdiction, but not SDF’s or their jurisdiction’s laws.

    It’s not a big deal for the average user until the day you run afoul of the server admins.

    [1] As of writing this, SDF does not have a /c/lemmyshitpost.

    [2] I’m not interested in doing that lol, this is just a hypothetical. I’m annoyed at this most recent decision but nowhere near ready to leave over it.

  • Okay but you can always make your own shitposting community on your own instance with your own rules if you feel so strongly against the rules. That option simply was not available on R*ddit. The point of Lemmy isn’t that no one abuses their mod and admin powers ever, but that the system is set up so that you can just go to another Lemmy server, which simply was not available on R*ddit if you pissed off the site admins.

    Although I personally find Lemmy users nicer and moderation better on average, their character is not the point. It is merely the result of an imperfect but better system than R*ddit.

    1. Then the mods should be honest about why he’s being banned in the modlog.
    2. Him (charitably) being an overzealous meanie in defense of an honest brand of feminism does not make him a shitlord.
    3. Sometimes people need to be dunked on for both their own good and the good of the community, obviously myself included. A perfectly appropriate venue for some gentle dunking is a shitposting community.

    It’s a shame that the thread got locked. It was getting heated, but IMO that’s a good sign that what you’re talking about actually needs to be debated.