TreadOnMe [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020


  • They (literally in this case) hold a gun to the government in Ukraine. They don’t need to win any elections, they just need to ban all left wing opposition in the name of anti-collaboration (done) and then wait for the liberals to fuck everything up (happening), then come into power on a stabbed in the back myth.

    Edit: The only way this doesn’t happen is if Russia literally kills most of them, and even then, that will not stop the sons and daughters of these nationalists from repeating the same refrains as their mothers and fathers. The only fortunate thing is that the conscription age is still not under 27, so we are not yet seeing literal children being sent to die in this war like near the end of WWI. However, that does lead me to the idea that these new Ukrainian nationalists will not be hardened enough to take the government by force. They will be the soft children of American compradors, claiming the west stabbed them in the back while campaigning using western funding.

  • This is stupid, but not for the reason you think. It’s not stupid because he ‘can’t recognize who is sueing him’. That is a typical stalling tactic by attorneys that know that you are boned but you have money.The idea is that you can outspend the other party for fees. This usually doesn’t work at these level s if the other attorney isn’t stupid and is working for a winning payout, and not for billing.

    It’s stupid because if this ever goes to court, it will look really bad, either he is purposefully stalling or he is incompetent. He took some really short-sighted legal advice.

  • Acceleration is the brain child of libertarian meth addicts that skimmed Marx. It is not only not ethical, being even more devoid of ethical considerations than Marx, who didn’t disregard them out of ignorance, unlike most of the authors of accelerationism, but out of an understanding of how these ethical considerations are themselves also irrelevant and disregarded by the ruling class. An accelerationist is a full on unexamined consequentialist, where-as a Marxist understands that the difference between deontology and utilitarianism is mostly a matter of phrasing, and is therefore only worthy of consideration when society becomes democratic.

    Additionally, it is non-viable. If the ground-work is not done before the catastrophe, and education is not liberatory, the same cycles of materialism will repeat themselves.

  • If Biden wins it will be because he convinced morons like you that “Abortion is on the ballot”. It must be nice to have no thoughts and just repeat advertising slogans. Do you just have “Eat Fresh” playing on loop in your head as well?

    If abortion is on the ballot, then go vote for that actual policy in your state. There is no way to guarantee that Democrats protect abortion rights even if elected, and their track record is piss poor. Electing Biden will do nothing about abortion in individual states, and we know that because he isn’t doing shit about those restrictions now.