23, Sysadmin, Vegan
Fediverse: https://calckey.braydmedia.de/@brayd

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Signal can’t see who is texting who. They can’t see which groups you are part of. Those information are end to end encrypted, same as your chats itself, your profile picture, your stories, etc.

    Signal doesn’t store message timestamps either.

    What Signal itself knows of you is your phone number, the timestamp of your registration, the timestamp of your last connection to the server. That’s it.

    Yes metadata is critical but Signal handles metadata very well. Indeed, even though I’m a fan of Matrix, better than Matrix. Matrix is a metadata nightmare due to it’s centralized structure and the way the protocol works.

  • Yes, I have tested Logseq and even donate to them monthly. However I don’t use it actively. Reason is that I just can’t figure out a way to store my quotes and my opinion about them from books the same way I do it in Notion.

    Basically I store my quotes like this:

    Inside each quote I write my opinion or the summary of the quote in my own words, etc.

    And then for the books I have it like this:

    And inside each book I have the quotes linked:

    So yeah I haven’t found any way in Obsidian or Logseq to replicate this structure. It’s always something simliar that’s not working the same way and feels off and only with tweaks, custom CSS and stuff like that.

  • Fully agree. That’s also the main reason I am using Notion even though it’s not FOSS, not encrypted etc.

    I was fine using Obsidian (even though it’s not FOSS either, but you own your data) but I can’t figure out a good way to track books and quotes plus my opinion about them while querying them the same way it works in the database with Notion. Dataview is great for many things but doesn’t have pagination etc.

  • For me Nextcloud AIO works. Still I don’t like how “unstable” NC is. There’s always something that does not work in any setup. Wish it was more stable or there would be a better alternative. For me it’s videos. But only those that are MP4 and have their moov atom at the end of the file. They can’t be played.


    It’s a headache. Set up Ente Photos just for that. Good side effect is that the images from my family and myself are stored E2EE encrypted on the self hosted Ente Photos instance.

  • Yes I know about AppFlowy and also about Anytype. However AppFlowy feels off for some reason and not as stable. Anytype feels pretty good but it has the issue that you can’t store and sync more than I think 1 GB of data. You could self host a sync server but that’s extra complicated with that software for some reason. So it’s not really a good alternative either. :/

  • Ideally “users” wouldn’t only be IT guys but also an average person. Some of my friends use Matrix to message me. They certainly are no developers or have technical IT knowledge. They certainly don’t know how to set up a bot. With discord you just add a bot to your server (equivalent to a Matrix Space) and there you go. That’s user friendly. Matrix bots work yes. But they are by far not user friendly.