frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2022


  • I took in a trans girl who’s a refuge from Florida and now she’s sleeping on my couch. We’ve known each other for a while, so I told her she could stay because her other option was apparently living in her car in random northeastern cities. So far, we’ve gotten along really well, which is good cause I have a little 1 bedroom apartment. She’s been through a lot, and I’m not completely sure she’s ok, but she has made some progress with job interviews around here, so it seems like she’s trying to get established. I’m not really sure how she’s going to find another place to live tho, rent is so expensive and such.

    On Sunday, I invited my other local trans friends (all two of them) over and we all made dinner together. It was honestly really wholesome and nice. I just want to have a bunch of trans friends and to feed them all tasty meals and take care of them.

  • I absolutely love this project! Besides DIY and biohacking type stuff being cool as fuck, I think that once of the most useful and empowering things that trans people can do for each other is figuring out how to do medical stuff for ourselves / each other, instead of needing to rely on cis doctors.

    I actually have tried to use DIY electrolysis on my face. This was when I has very early in transition. I was about to start estrogen, and had basically done nothing else. I really wanted to do something about my facial hair, and also knew that it was a pretty normal step to do around when you start hormones. But I didn’t have that much money and I was afraid of coming out to anyone, so I didn’t want to get any professional stuff done. I bought the One Touch unit (white plastic case, 9-volt batteries), a makeup mirror, and some tweezers. I read a bunch of old guides on how to do it, and decided to do a test patch. I ended up targeting just the hairs on my lower lip, and removed them all over the course of like 2 sessions. Then I waited for a while to see if they would grow back. Unfortunately, most of them did grow back. I found that really demoralizing after all the work to remove the hair in the first place, and I basically gave up. Since then, I’ve gotten professional laser and electro. It would have saved me a lot of time and money if the DIY version had been easier.

    I think that one of my problems was not leaving the probe in my follicle for long enough. Those home units are Galvanic, which to my understanding means that it needs some time in your flesh to really kill the hair. The One Touch makes a tone once you’ve held the probe in for a couple of seconds, so I would always remove it after that. I think I actually needed to wait longer and the tone was annoying and useless. Also, I now realize that some regrowth with electrolysis is normal, because you can only kill hairs in a certain growth phase.

    For your project, I think you want to really pay attention to the user experience and interface of the thing. Ideally, you should make it difficult to use incorrectly, and easy to use correctly. Maybe timers on the unit that show how long to hold the probe in? Maybe a little counter that ticks up when you’ve done a hair? Maybe a battery strength indicator so you know when to recharge? Anyway I’m super interested in this project and would love to hear more updates. I don’t know much about electronics, but if you need any software I’m happy to help.

  • If you don’t mind me asking, what are your goals with this? People will say that the human body needs sex hormones to function and it’s dangerous to have none. That’s not completely true, like women after menopause have low sex hormones, historically eunuchs lives their whole lives with low sex hormones. But, long term it definitely raises the risk of stuff like osteoporosis. Short term, it will probably reduce your sex drive and possibly give you low energy levels of depression.

    Anti androgens are the tricky part of transfem hrt. Maor of them have side effects, and the difference in Moses of action is confusing. Spironolactone is the most common AA in the US, but it’s actually a fairly bad drug. You probably won’t be able to completely block T with just Spiro, and if you do you’ll have to take a high dose with issues. Finasteride might work better I think. There’s also Bicalutamide and cyproterone acetate, which I believe carry more risks.

    Also, diy AAs are somewhat expensive. Most people doing DIY just do high dose estrogen injections. This works because your testicles will reduce testosterone production with high estrogen levels, and with enough will basically stop doing anything. However, doctors are reluctant to do estrogen monotherapy because is usually requires estrogen levels that are higher than the “standard cis women levels”.

  • I’m kind of fuming this morning because there’s some anti trans child talk being held at my uni tomorrow. Were an extremely mid school in a rural area, so I thought we might get a break from this shit. But apparently not.

    It’s hosted by some Christian debate lord group. The talk has the phrase “the philosophy of gender” in the title, so the philosophy department freaked out and sent out a very PC email reiterating that this was not sponsored by them. They also said we could talk to a philosophy faculty member if we feel sad I guess? They’re all too happy to do ridiculous pronoun circles in their classes, but when actually bigotry shows up all they do is talk about their feelings.

    Idk whatever, I need to just ignore and not care about this. I lack the precondition for action against these people, which is being organized with others. I do hope somebody like pulls the fire alarm or something, but it won’t be me.