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Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • the “anonymous” surveys everyone knows are totally trustworthy.

    management and HR will swear up and down they are anonymous. Even on web forums… but the reality is you get a really obvious idea of who said what on what teams because management band together to figure out who would have said something based on their attitude, opinions and perspective.

    You can and will be singled out by management for saying negative things. Managers will be required to address the criticism… by choosing strategies behind closed doors, perhaps after having a “group discussion” where they report what they want their boss to hear to their boss, and then tell said boss what the plan is to change to address things is later. It will not be a change that affects the leader except to show they did something worthy of a performance bonus or a promotion though.

    All results that ask for more pay are basically ignored. They know why the departments with high turnover have high turnover. It’s a decision to keep those workers paid less because there’s no value to paying them more. Usually the highest turnover roles are treated like commodities. Sales person with strong ethics? Fired! Sales person caught doing illegal stuff to get sales? Fired! Sales person who gets away with selling doctors on drugs for unapproved indications? Big bonuses!

    The moment the bosses and the owner decided they wanted to get paid more than the workers was the moment any sense of equity vanished.

  • Considering only 30% of the people in this survey from ages 18-34 are working full time, i’m going to go ahead and say this isn’t an accurate representation of independent young adults.

    26% are in school and 16% are unemployed for a total of 42% not really making money / are using loans for housing or are living at home.

    28% are working part time and are unlikely to be living on their own - it’s rare to find a part time gig that can afford housing.

    So 22% think housing is the highest cost issue… and only 30% are employed full time… sounds about right to me! I’m guessing it’s not 30% because those 8% got mortgages during the 4% or lower interest rate era.

  • Make Sony continue to pour money into the servers

    I work in IT. I can pretty much guarantee that server load for a game like this is nonexistent from a cost perspective. They’re not going to be using cloud services, they’re going to privately host because it’s way cheaper. Early days playercount woes were before they added more nodes to their solution. Whatever cost they had for servers is already paid. Electricity and facilities costs are whatever because they are paying it anyway. They can’t just fire the people maintaining their solution either but that’s also baby bucks compared to the money spent building this thing or marketing it.

    Gaming protests of popular games never work unless the objective doesn’t alter the bottom line.

  • The article implies the swat team was sent due to an armed carjacking that morning. Someone got a warrant for search and seizure based on geolocation results from the airpods and they assumed the carjackers would be hanging out at this address.

    It’s a rental home. Nothing is mentioned about the identity of the owner of the home. After looking up the house on zillow though it’s about 113k. It’s a dead end street surrounded by homes that are valued under 100k. I didn’t realize that federal minimum wage would be enough to pay a mortgage in 2024, but apparently it is possible. This isn’t super relevant other than the fact i’m looking at buying a house near Boston and I did a double take that a home exists in this price range and isn’t in a trailer park. 113k here won’t even buy you a parking spot.

    After looking up the address it looks like a group of juveniles were involved with the carjacking so names are impossible to find. The most bizzare thing though is that a couple hours after the carjacking the car was picked up 3.5 miles / an 8 minute drive from the house in wylin court with the suspects bailing from the car and the cops arresting them… I wonder when the swatting happened at 630pm who they thought they would find?

    Fun fact, the murder rate in St Louis per capita is the 7th highest in the world, after six cities in Mexico. #1 in the US. 87.83 per 100k. https://www.statista.com/statistics/243797/ranking-of-the-most-dangerous-cities-in-the-world-by-murder-rate-per-capita/

    I’m not justifying anything. I learned a lot that I never knew about St Louis MO and holy fuck is it rough.

  • I’ve gotta ask… how? why?

    I think I would have broken down in your shoes. I’m curious how someone gets into a situation like that or even survives it, if you’re willing to talk about it.

    • 7-4 job (eg. 8 hours * 5 days = 40 hours)

    • 4-12 (3 days a week = 24 more hours)

    • 18 hour weekends (2 days = 36 more hours)

    100 hours of work per week. Maybe 92 hours on the two night weeks. I think i’d have a heart attack within 3 months. I don’t know how someone would do laundry, prepare meals, clean dishes, do grocery shopping or honestly do anything.

  • How’s that scheduling work? You doing a day per job or something? 4 hours per job at multiple sites per day?

    I’ve seen people do two jobs in their youth but it’s very, very rare someone has more than a full time gig + part time weekends and maybe a night here and there.

    I know professional workers who moonlight as teachers at local community college for a course some semesters, and then do a day a weekend at the rock climbing gym to stay in shape and help others share the joy of their hobby as an example. I guess you could do some uber or whatever on top of that but I don’t consider that to be a job given the context.

  • The answer is probably very simple. He probably has enough assets to pledge them as collateral for a loan, but he doesn’t want to. He wants other people to pay instead. That’s how he always works and why no one in NYC will do business with him.

    Pretty much… why pay anything at all if you can get somebody else to do it.

    He doesn’t want to pay for it. He doesn’t want to pay the loan fees. The rich have always factually been above the law and in this case there seems to be more than a few people who are willing to go along with just giving the guy stacks of cash. Even if someone offered him the full amount i’m guessing he would keep soliciting for donations for it to see what he could get out of it.

    It’s business fraud 101 and he’s a master of it. He wouldn’t be where he was if he was stupid.

    He’s also trying to sway public opinion to be on his side, it props up his campaign and is on message of being politically persecuted whether or not it’s true. It’s on message with the republican party’s “the democrats are the enemy” unification strategy too. If the judge backs down and asks for less or maybe even nothing at all then suddenly he’s off scot free until the appeal is done. Odds are the appeal would not increase the fines either.