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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Your bad faith argument will not deter me. You are right, there are other things to worry about. I fear for the women in my life that may no longer have access to the reproductive health care they deserve. I fear for my LGBT friends who may no longer have the rights they deserve. I’ll easily turn a blind eye to something happening a half a world away so the people nearest and dearest to me can continue to exist. I hope for the safety of Palestinians - but I will not cut off my nose to spite my face.

  • How is it you know how many times I experienced being bullied exactly?

    I didn’t realize racism and bullying were “minorly shitty”. To people that aren’t jerks, these are real problems.

    And no, I never said anything other than “I understand why France would want to lock that shit down.” Not that I agree with the alt-right, not that North African people are inherently bad, not that only North Africans could treat people this way. I was very clear I knew my story to be anecdotal.

    Yes, you’re a fool on a fool’s tirad to make some point no one was arguing against. Must I remind you that you started this conversation by saying you wished for more American-oriented racism in the world. Have a nice day!