ryepunk [he/him]

Just some pathetic cis white boy from Canada’s worst province who never amounted to much of anything. Work in a grocery store that is mostly okay, but don’t make enough to live off so I’m resigned to just trying to not cry too much every day. I have a partner I dearly love.

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2020

  • At this point if you find a place in retail or food that isn’t running on a skeleton crew to barely run the place then it’s probably an accident of scheduling. Because about 15 years ago all the business managers decided that quality experiences in stores is expensive and what are customers gonna do? Shop elsewhere? No, you do the bare minimum, keep the employees miserable and try to force them to quit with terrible work environments so you never need to give them a raise because they all quit within a year. The suckers who stick around get promoted to supervisor and given a pittance of like 40k a year to abuse the shit out others so they will continue to quit within the first year. It’s the cycle of retail hell.

  • Honestly, the precooked rotisserie chickens most places make are typically loss leaders to get you in the store. It’s the only affordable way I can buy a chicken,(any other kind of meat is beyond my comprehension of how anyone affords it unless they’re rich fucks), that doesn’t involve buying like a month’s worth of chicken in bulk because as one person I don’t need too much. I used to buy a kg of meatballs too, but they’ve gone up about 30% over the past year so it’s just the chicken now if I want meat.

    I usually buy a big bag of frozen veggies, lentils, beans, and rice and just make stir fry stuff with the cheapest sauce I can find. If I’m feeling fancy I buy nice noodles and use that instead of rice.

  • My ex was an alcoholic and one of thr reasons we slit up washe was barely sober on weekends towards the end. Liked to drink 30+ cans in a weekend, which I didn’t know was problem drinking until much later. It was a giant hole in our finances too, when she wasn’t even working either.

    When we started dating she thought it would he fun to try and get me drunk. So we spent one night with all these various drinks and hard liquors and she made stuff for me to drink. I hated every single one. The only one thay I could even finish was kahlua mudslides because it was mostly a chocolate beverage but it still tasted like horrible alcohol.

    So I never drink anymore, it is expensive and tastes bad and people are usually asses when they’re drunk. The most I’ll have is a sip of champagne at a celebration but it tastes like hogwash so one sip is all I can handle.

  • My ex was ace as well. Together for 8 years so I feel for you comrade. Like you initially there was much smashing but gradually it just became barely a yearly thing. And I realized that I do need that level of intimacy from a partner so we went our own ways. Wish it hadn’t cost me my apartment but oh well I’m lucky and my parents have a basement room I have been living in ever since.

    The dating pool welcomes you back with open arms.

  • I mean the classic Michael brooks debate has him attempting to seize on singular data point that destiny thinks is being used incorrectly and brooks refuses to let him talk about because brooks used it correctly and destiny only cares about nit picking about using perfect examples to prove a point, while brooks only cares about the big picture (in that case that TPP and trade deals are made to benefit corporations first and not the countries who get pulled into them).

    He’s such a stupid fucking need that he thinks he can know more about topics from people who spend their whole lives on that one topic after he spends an afternoon on Wikipedia.

    Finkelstein is correct to wonder how this bozo can constantly be so supremely confident without a shred knowledge to actually back it up. Some kind of ultra version of dunning-kruger effect.

  • Last week after state of the union speech, redditors were all like, “well this is all the proof we need that Biden has still fucking got it! He could talk coherently, mostly, for over an hour? I can’t do that so clearly he’ll be a good president and mop the floor with trump.” And like 10 variations on that theme. No mention of the policies he’s pushing or anything, just redditors thinking back to their ice cream Joe memes and not caring about how everything is falling apart for the bottom 60% of people (probably more and rising). I fucking hope he loses, and dies. I hope America suffers and implodes so the rest of the world won’t face the blowback, even though I know it will devastate everything because American tendrils are hooked into everything.