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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I find Garmin’s data and charts very useful. I’ve never been an “instinctive” runner: I don’t know what I’m capable of, and I don’t exactly know how I’m feeling past the basic post-running feeling… strange, I know. So I need to see the data to get a clear picture. Using the device’s data has taught me a lot, and has made me connect the dots between my training and my performance. I fully credit my improvement in running (pace, economy, endurance, etc) for the past few years to Garmin’s metrics help.

    That said, it takes a while getting used to them. Personally, I use the data as a guide, but I never take predictions and such at face value. They can be a bit off, either positive or negative; I’ve seen both. For example, I think it tends to overvalue long distance training runs for performance prediction.

    But I think I’m at a point that I can understand what it’s trying to tell me, and find some correlation with how I actually am. I think that’s the way to go with Garmin.

  • Not sure about Canada fires, but everything else is just having the right gear. More layers, the right material, the right kind of gear, etc, makes the run 100% fine. I’ve been running 6 days out of each week for the past couple of months in NYC (including in storm/cold days; we’ve had shitty weather at down to ~15F) and I haven’t missed a day due to weather reasons.

    Some problems are harder and might require niche equipment. For example, if your roads are covered in ice, you need trail run shoes with spikes and a place where that can work, like dirt instead of asphalt. But those are the outliers.