Mostly making this bc I felt my comment below didn’t deserve its own post as such.

  • lilypad [she/her]
    7 months ago
    dysphoria fueled comment

    Ive been having a bunch of random dysphoria attacks lately which are super fun to deal with. Especially around my face, both because of the shape and because I have sensitive skin so I can only shave once every 3 days (even then my skin gets super angry). I desperately dont want to be walking around with a beard but its kind of unavoidable, and I cant afford laser at this point in life. I just feel like no matter what I do Ill look like a man and I really dont want that. I just want to wear a mask everywhere but people look at me like I have tentacles for eyes when I do that. At least eyeliner looks good af on me, even if it takes me an hour to do it right.