We did it with the rent payment. I got that shit entirely covered thanks to the help of all the people I reached out to. I also had an interview today that went really well. It went better than most interviews that I simply thought went well, and I’m not having much doubt that I will not be able to get this job.

Despite that, I don’t get my hope too ahead of itself because I’ve learned that a lot of employers suck ass with being decent to candidates, and I’m still looking out for several other jobs and even applying to some more, just in case.

The queer mutual aid organization that helped me raise the rent money also is sending me job recommendations, and they only specifically recommend queer-friendly jobs. I take note of all of the jobs they send me, and I have inquired or applied to all the workplaces they’ve sent me so far.

For this post, I need roughly $90 to repay the Cash App Borrow function. Normally, I wouldn’t use something like that, but as y’all know, a sibling is strugglin’ right now, and I used it for last month’s rent to cover that month in a pinch. I got until March 29, roughly 3 days from now, to cover that $90.

I’m stocked up on so many essentials right now, including food, hygiene products, and helpful tools that I need to keep myself steady. I feel secure in that regard, but I just don’t want this repayment to be a problem.

Any help, no matter the size or the means, be it big or small, financial or emotional, is appreciated. Thank you all.

  • Cash App: $AngelJamieJules
  • PayPal

Update #1: $37.20 / $90

Update #2: $14.25 / $ 90 (Unfortunately, I was running out of a lot of hygiene products and some utensils, used some of my cash to buy some things like floss, toilet paper, and what not.)