1 1cm = 0.394"
“pee-pee boy”
And his cousin, Poo-Poo Boy
“I’m not a little pee pee boy! I didn’t pee on it!”
Fuck I love science
It’s wild what we can achieve if we cast off religion and embrace science.
Love, I fuck science
I have one of these my grandparents got me in China when I was a wee takka, I cherish it, even though it was knocked off a shelf and smashed to pee-pee-pieces
These things are so cute. There’s other ones too, collectively known as ‘tea pets’ and you pour water or tea over them during a tea tasting
AliExpress keeps suggesting that I buy one shaped like an alligator to go with my ski mask that says “ECOTERRORIST”. It’s a very cute alligator.
I’d be sorely tempted
Do it
If you go to a tourist trap tea house in China, they will absolutely delight in showing these things to you.
They’ll also make sure you’re very aware they are , in fact, for sale, at a very reasonable price!
Khajiit has pee-pee boys if you have coin
Big if true
Pee pee boy tea pet is my next username