I hear standard issue cats are good as well
What about queen judgie?
Most of the names would be also perfect Weed strains and hipster meal titles in a vegan bowl restaurant
I got me a highway stray and a mouser needed
#7 and #10 here. They’re great.
Sister 1 is #7, nothing she wont gobble down Sister 2 is #8, her true form is liquid to the point you wont understand even how
I got a dumb fluffy
My last cat was #11 - The Satan Himself. He controlled the whole village, ate food in every house and trolled all the big dogs non stop. He also brought fresh fish from the sea back home from time to time. And yet he was a total sweetheart towards me, he greeted me at the door every day when I came back from home.
We have a #2 and a #6!
We’ve got a #3 laying on the couch and a #4 doing his patrol of the house.
I’ve got a Fuzzy Flopster and a Big Dumb Cuddlebum
We think ours is a Snack Master Potato mix.
this is some damn 2011 millennial humor