autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]

A real autism! He/him bisexual man that might be a demiboy but probably not. I like media. Extraordinarily DILF.

  • 222 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2020


  • You shouldn’t be horny for sexist portrayals of women

    I think this kind of completely disregards the existence of subjectivity? Different portrayals of women in games are going to come across differently to different players, women included. I know you find this baffling, but some women find Bayo empowering, for example. Others find her sexist and degrading. It depends on the person.

    It also takes away the ability for a person to say “I know this author’s intention is sexist objectifying, but I’m choosing to reclaim the character anyway.” Which is like… a thing. Particularly for queer women (I feel that cis men like myself [well… to be determined lol] have less license [if any] to do so, and when and if I do so its only because I’m taking my lead from wlw friends).

    Also tbh I think its naive to say that a person with a libido and an attraction to women is just going to be completely immune to an intentionally sexy portrayal of a woman. Of course there’s going to be a base monkey brain instinct underneath any higher order thinking criticism. There have been many lesbian memes about the subject! I’ve always found this idea that people’s higher order critical thought can override base attraction completely silly and unrealistic. Like maybe it can for you, I have to assume it can for you (or you’re asexual) if you’r saying stuff like this. But for many of us it simply doesnt work that way.

  • Nope. If anything, those were worse.

    You must not have been online in the past few months sorry. Theres no way Bayo or Nier had the same degree of reactionairy circlejerk around it that SB has had. SB has been supposedly the cure for wokeness for capital G gamers for months now. I was online for those other games release and dont remember anything even close to that. Some controversy over Bayo, but people on both sides including feminist defenders like the other person who replied to you. And quiet frankly I remember nothing at all like that about Nier. Maybe I just didnt see it lmao but I can’t imagine it being as vitrolic as the SB stuff has been. That shit is a dumpster fire.

    You don’t know, maybe she is well written and maybe she will have a fan base that’s just a big if not bigger than Bayonetta’s and 2B’s.

    I have my doubts, but sure I guess. One of my queer friends is already defending the game because she has cute nonsexualized alternate outfits so that could be the start of something. But I dont think its going to make ripples like those other games. For one thing, she doesnt really have a design that appeals to queer women really? At least in the default outfit??

    Implying those games have depth. I skip the cutscenes in Bayonetta 1&2 for a reason. They’re not worth my time, and the gameplay is really why I replay these games.

    Uh, yeah no. Going to strongly disagree that Bayonetta and especially Nier Automata dont have narrative depth. The fact that you skip the cutscenes is a you thing lol.

    You compare it to Stardew but Stardew and Bayonetta have about the same level of narrative depth lol. Stardew is good and I love it but its not actually very deep? I think people got fooled into thinking it is because you take down an evil coporation? (Some of) the marriage candidates have some hidden depths, the non-candidate NPCs are fairly shallow though. Its good, I like Stardew a lot. I made a post gushing about an aspect of Stardew’s narrative just the other day. But to say Stardew has narrative and Bayonetta doesnt is??? They both do and they’re about equally as deep.

    You mention GOW, and the semi-reboot games have narrative depth and the old games didnt have nothing. You mention DMC5, and that game had narrative, and again the old games didnt have nothing.

    I think you’re just not into those games for the narrative and think that means that its not there.

  • Personally I think 2b’s default outfit (not the one in the screenshot) is a good character design honestly. And honestly from a front view isn’t even that overtly sexual? Its only because you can look up the skirt at her butt that it becomes that. Kaine though I agree lmao she’s literally wearing lingerie* and yeah the achievement and stuff are gross. (*Though so is A2 and I like that design a bit more, idk it doesnt seem quiet as obnoxious with her, but maybe im excusing shit because i personally am highly attracted to A2 like more than the others.). Like the horny monkey brain part of me finds Kaine hot but the design is not good from that perspective.

    Re “they’re just there to sell games”, I would point out that I think horny people will still make games with sexy characters in them under socialism lol. Like you even say Yoko Taro is a very horny brained person. I think he’s doing horny shit in his games because he likes it. And I think his games would still be horny under socialism.

    Obviously sometimes its to sell games. DOA Extreme is obviously that lol. I just wanted to point out that horny doesnt go away with profit motive gone.

  • , just as I would to someone who only plays coombrained games

    I don’t think the vast majority of games that have sexualized characters in them deserve to be written off as only being coombrained. They might deserve to be criticized for that one specific thing, depending on context and such. (Im not someone who thinks that sexy characters are inherently bad, and also think there’s a distinction between sexy and objectifying). But the vast majority of those games have some sort of artistic merit besides the sexy girls. Whether it be gameplay or narrative or what. Even Stellar Blade, which I personally despise the vibes of deeply, apparently is pretty fun to play based on the demo.

    Like even the later DOA Volleyball games are fun volleyball games lol (not the original one, but they got better) from what i hear.

    So like unless its explicitly a hentai game or something that’s purpose is literally jerking off, I think there’s almost always merit outside the sex. (and if it is just a hentai game, well hentai is a significantly more ethical way of jerking off than consuming porn that uses actual actors so?)

    I realize what you said was if the person’s entire list of games are horny games thats condemnable so thats not really what you were saying, but its a point I wanted to make. I would disagree with the word condemn personally anyway, and use the word mock instead lmao, “condemn” has a weight to it that I dont think that deserves.

  • Im sorry but who designed the characters asside theres no way that SB is going to have anywhere near the narrative depth of Nier Automata or even Bayonetta. Its just not going to happen. Ive heard the gameplay is good and thats nice i suppose but this is about charachter depth.

    And Nier and Bayo have not been championed by chuds to anywhere near the same extent SB has, and have huge queer fanbases. Its never been the same.

    Personally I read Bayo’s sexuality as being positive, nonobjectifying, and empowering but like your allowed not to. But ive met plenty of women who agree with my take so I stand by it. Seems subjective to me.

    2B is not that, she’s sexualized in an objectifying way, but I will reiterate the massive queer fanbase the game has, as well as there being much much more to 2B than a nice butt.

    (Also i just fucking hate SB’s visual presentiation/art style and like Bayo and Nier’s so).

    Also i dont think “designed by a woman” is entirly irrelevant unless she had no input and just followed directions?

  • I always get annoyed when people write off Haley in SDV for being initially mean to you. like part of the whole point of SDV to me is the hidden depths of these characters so i enjoy getting to know her and her later heart events are great. her 8 heart one is probably the best one in the game actually.

    especially since Shane is also initially mean but is mega popular. (though to be fair my friends i played stardew with hated shane the most lmao). id call sexism but probably the LEAST popular candidate is alex lol so its probably not that.

    Like admittedly i love mean girls and would love her even if she DIDNT change and stayed mean lmao. i chose her as my marriage choice from the jump lol. not after playing the field and seeing her 8 heart and going “oh ok NOW i love her”. but still i dont like how the fanbase treats haley when for me it betrays part of the point of the game.