• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • people think we didn’t try talking first. telling them to fuck off, refuting their trash ideology or even trying to persuade them out of it. they loved that shit. they were there to talk but they were not there for any great debate. fuckers were there to recruit, it was preditory. they did not fuck off until it was clear we would make them, AND that we’d do it before they opened their mouths. they fucked off when the recruitment pool was closed to them.

    guess i can see how on paper a bunch of kids living off pabst and shoving eachother around to loud music, was a good hunting ground. they read that particular room wrong though. and “punch them until they left” was they only way they were gonna go.

  • alternating neem oil and “Bonide Captain Jack’s Copper Fungicide”. the fungicide was just the cheapest one i saw on amazon when it became clear neem oil wasnt gonna be enough this year. my 4b winter was weak, closer to 6a, so fungi have been going crazy. all the lilac leafs turned black and fell off in july across the whole region. like they decided to nope out of summer and start fall right away.

  • the article ends on a pitch for an ai bot making your paid posts. it’s trash. the article itself is the kind of lazy trash you get when you start leaning into monitization. you’re right, the fediverse isnt a monolith, not even inside distinct cultural regions.

    for me at least. the answer to more media like this article appearing. so we grow an have more content and grow more. will be finding somewhere else to be. thats just the social media cycle. something cool gets made. a community starts forming. someone says “look at those idiots. dont they know how money works? a few of them could be making so much of it. i’ll show them how and make some myself too”. the rough edges of the space get smoothed out because if you want to make the site sucessful it should look more like how the sucessful spaces look. and a bunch of people move on to make something new again while bots have arguments with bots.

  • creators are welcome to post in the fediverse and tag their paid platform so long as they respect the rules of whatever community they post in. everyone has to eat. turning the fediverse into a tansactional platform is just coporate social media with extra steps. the articles getting downvoted because its one step shy of a linkedin ad disguised as a post. if i wanted to read posts about the beauty of the grind or some other nonsese, i’d be on fucking twitter or facebook. this place exists specifically to not be those places.

  • been using Darktable for years now. had the same trouble with it as people going photoshop to gimp have at first, because my brain was all in lightroom. once i sat down and watched some videos of people explaining their own darktable process and experimented new workflows. it became everything lightroom was, but without the constantly scolding me about bumping my subscription adobe did.

  • The first 3-6 months are like vegas, anything you and your partner say or feel in this period are exhaustion enduced and get forgotten. Until the baby can smile and act like a tiny human you just endure. Once it smiles and sleeps for at least 4 hours your brain will give the good chemicals and you both start to forget this time.

    Honestly theres some great advice in this thread about perspective already. So being only three weeks in, i have one useful piece of real advice. Thats not a functional human yet, it cant move under it’s own power, it cant remember what happened 5 minutes ago. You can strap the infant in a car seat and walk the fuck away for five minutes. be in another room breathing. It can not follow you, it will not remember. Use this weakness against it while you can.

  • I’m in the same spot and 95% settled on moving to debian.

    xubuntu has been good to me the last 10yrs. But its been about xfce, ubuntu got be part of the relationship because it was easy when i knew very little about linux. that and it can run well on a potato with a bunch of computer parts just duct taped randomly onto it. which is basically what my dumpster dived laptop was 10 yes ago.

  • was a bit of a running joke for years even before our son was diagnosted. but covid times offered the perfect period to hyper focus on researching his diagnosis. which led to reading all my old school records. finding all the vaugue language being used to dismiss my childhood behaviors that in his records, were used as the basis of a diagnosis. was an interesting “oh son of a bitch!” moment.

    At this point in my life, i only put effort into maintaining two friendships. Both of which are a couple decades old now. One is ND at the very least. The other was diagnost as autistic about six months ago, to absolutely no ones surprise. We really do tend to drift into our own little social circles of peace.

  • “Don’t buy your son pink boots, thats a girl color.” some rando in the store about the snow boots my happy 5yr old just picked out and is hugging. laughed and told my kid he could pick out a toy now too.

    “Don’t try so hard. they’ll always love the mom more no matter what you do, so take it easy” my dad. yep.

    “don’t let your kid pick their own food” former friend without kids.

    “don’t let your kid argue with you, ever” different former friend with kids.

  • Yeah this right here. The cyber truck is just a status symbol. Like a v6 platinum f-150 crew cab sitting in a suburban driveway with an absolutely spotless bed. But for the very small well paid tech bro market.

    My next truck will be electric because thats where the market will be in 15yrs. Electric is a good change, but it still needs to do truck things. Like move heavy crap and access lakes via what is basically the suggestion of a road. The cyber truck does neither of these tasks well.

    Is the Ford vs Ram vs Chevy really still a thing? Cost had nothing to do with getting a Ram for me. It was simply the only brand that still offered a bench seat on more than an entry level work truck.

  • I’ve only ever found two real studies on topic of tactile processing issues. reading the descriptions of tactile defensiveness made me feel less crazy.

    The neurological process of light touch and movement being miss communicated to include a fight or flight response. The stress to muscles and joints that goes with constantly supressing a low level fight or flight response.

    I’ve found it helpful when explaining to people hoe it is for me at least. To ask them to describe their physical response to something like a jump scare, someone startles you from behind kinda thing. then i ask if lightly moving their own hand over their arm causes the same feeling at like 1/3 the intensisty. Sure they usually say something along “thats not real”. But damnit i was at least able to explain the experiance.

    these links shouldnt have paywalls. i can poke around for new links if they do.

