tamagotchicowboy [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2021


  • The issue of seeing these things as static points rather than a process already live, we’re already guaranteed killing, there has been killing, there will be more killing no matter which one, one will just have more open optics and bad aesthetics for libs, the other the illusion of status quo and pretty words to give the pampered an illusion of progress. You could remove all the ‘one party’, even the fried fish sammich fan, but the conditions that created these individuals are still out in the world unsettled, so its like digging a small hole at the beach, it will just immediately fill with more sand.

  • No fap is a way for fascists to worm itself into impressionable men’s minds using religious-mystical hangups regarding sex as a Trojan horse, if you’re walking around low key horny everywhere seeing the sex you’re attracted to as evil trying to tempt you, it’s easier to manipulate you for all sorts of horrific nonsense. Of course you felt a placebo sort deal of better not having sex nor fapping, you basically at a subconscious level see it as worse than murder since you’re in the western death cult, and the poor people you want to sex as objects, an extension of masturbation basically.

  • Yea that’s overly harsh, else better x out all those religious subs quick.

    My issue was with my phrasing but whatever, magic is a bit too simple of an approach but I wouldn’t go with damn full on censor. There’s a lot we still don’t know and I’m not going around gaslighting what did or didn’t happen in people’s experiences since perception is fly, knowledge is gated, and we’ve all probably had one weird thing happen to us at one time or another, or even multiple. In our 21st century knowledge we can easily dismiss visions and ‘dancing’ of medieval peasants being caused by ergot poisoning, but in their collectively held social experience, there was some mystical thing going on and I bet even if you were to somehow implant all the information about bad rye and fungi into them they’d still hold the event in a degree of awe.

    There’s a lot of cases through history of liberation movements drawing from religion or spirituality since its the only refuge allowed to the poor or seen as socially acceptable within the time period. Many of the movements in the global south come to mind. Even historically, the original communal were utopian, not scientific because of conditions of knowledge and society were not set for otherwise. Atheism is sadly still in the realm of academia because conditions are yet still that undeveloped in say the US that people need prescription strength religion and mysticism. Religious institutions are the last places in the US for a lot of communities where mutual aid is still done without interference from authorities (where I live even this is in question now), otherwise people are cast out in a sea of alienation from themselves and each other in capitalist hell.

    A lot of the woo folk would be very open to our ideas and learning theory, we seek to make the outer material reality more comfortable instead of merely seeking solace within. Animism is sort of the ancient’s approach to materialism with the best knowledge they had access to, and I’d bet the modern animists are no different.

  • She seriously did it as an accident, I was in first class with her and she had diarrhea or something, this was second class and things hadn’t improved.

    Orgasm v organism the room was so quiet you could hear a mouse fart and people’s faces were red from second hand embarrassment or holding in laughter, I don’t think the dude even noticed until after when his friends told him. If I were the teacher during that I’d correct 3s in since there’s no way I would have survived without being ded from oxygen deprivation from holding it in, bro went through multiple pages (of orgasms) like this, it was glorious like something out of a cringy 80s dude bro comedy.

  • In the US the trot to neocon pipeline is real, they really btfo of AES as well as the global south in general and they tend to be used to either purposely or by disagreement wedge labor movements at home and the La Rouchites are just weird opportunists plain and simple. To their credit there’s a lot of interesting Marxist academic esp economic takes from Trots, like out of Hudson for instance. They’re also sometimes good for journalist type things, when I was in college we worked with some boring newspaper Trots to break a news story about corruption.

    Ideal would be to not scare everyone immediately off, just refute the ideas not the person, though with the history of Trots in the US and this being an educated by meme and meme in place of theory forum, there’s only so much to be expected since you don’t want to open the door to trouble neither since its a lot easier to sway discourse in an echo chamber online than it is irl as just some rando.