As opposed, of course, to all of the times they indirectly fuck us over by upholding an unjust system.

  • duderium [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Got elected and became a county official. A few months before George Floyd got lynched, I voted to defund the police entirely. The sheriff was sitting three feet away from me and screamed in my face for several minutes. I can’t remember a word he said. It was terrifying. I was a Marxist at the time but still believed in peaceful reform (so not actually a Marxist lol). After that I realized that I couldn’t be involved in bourgeois elections without the backing of, like, a guerrilla force or something. These people really will fucking kill you, even if you pass as white like I do. So I resigned. Also, don’t let anyone tell you that local or state or county democrats are better than the ones in DC. It’s all the same fucking bullshit.

    • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      Also, don’t let anyone tell you that local or state or county democrats are better than the ones in DC. It’s all the same fucking bullshit.

      It’s always the Democrats who have little to no power to change anything that are always the “good” ones. Hmm, I wonder why? curious-marx

    • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
      8 months ago

      The sheriff was sitting three feet away from me and screamed in my face for several minutes. I can’t remember a word he said. It was terrifying.

      I opposed the local sheriff in a public forum once and got the exact same response. It was terrifying for the first 15 seconds but then I realized that this is just my drunk father whinging about minorities while trying not to burn the house down cooking a hot pocket. He had to leave the room to sulk so he couldn’t actually do the thing he wanted to do because I kept asking him questions.

      They are dangerous but realizing they’re mostly angry children with guns was an enlightening experience.

  • poppy_apocalypse [he/him, any]
    8 months ago

    I got pulled over on my bicycle for obeying the law because it was suspicious. I got stopped for using the turning lane. I had a traffic warrant and it was a Friday so I spent the weekend at the sheriff station.

    I live very close to the station. Not even joking, I’ve been stopped probably around 30 times. I’ve been stopped by the same pig three times in a week. I got stopped twice in the same afternoon. If you look poor they will use you to train new hires. So out of those 30 stops I never even got a ticket. Pure harassment

  • adultswim_antifa [he/him]
    8 months ago

    I had a cop that was standing in the middle of the highway, obstructing traffic and screaming at people, punch my car as I drove by. That has probably influenced my perception of the institution. He must have been on meth or something.

  • Dr.
    8 months ago

    Not sure if police or impound lot, but once a long time ago my car got impounded for an evening. When I got it back, a handful of items were stolen out of it.

  • Vampire [any]
    8 months ago


    Your personal life-cares align with your politics.

    Evil little men. They spend all day roving around looking for lives to ruin: that meets my definition of evil.

  • Kolibri [she/her]
    8 months ago

    I got like involuntary detained by police twice and nothing like getting thousands of dollars of medical debt for being forced into a psych ward, because no health insurance.

  • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
    8 months ago

    Once I turned left on a red light directly in front of a cop one time because I was running on 2 hours of sleep off a 12 hour shift. I immediately thought I was getting pulled over and put my hazards on. The cop drove by me, took a look through the window, gave me a wave, and kept on driving.

    I’m sure you can guess my race.

  • WIIHAPPYFEW [he/him, they/them]
    8 months ago

    More like ex-cops, but there’s this driving school place here that prides itself on being 100% staffed by former pigs. First day there was with a guy who was either sick or recovering from a hangover who made me stop early because he thought he had to puke. Second (and last) day was with some jackass who kept getting pissed off whenever I wasn’t in the precise atomic center of the lane, who made me stop early by pulling into an airstrip by-road to drive me back after he got mad at me one too many times.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    8 months ago

    Why do you hate our cops so much?

    Let me help your shit out. When I was in high school I used to play poker with some older guys, two of whom were cops. They supplied the pot, cocaine and beer that they had taken from people they busted and high school kids. They busted a lot of kids I knew and were always fucking assholes. No big deal.

    When I was in college, there was a celebration after a college basketball game. People were going crazy. Some drunk guy ran off the cliffs in Isla Vista. My friend ran to tell the cops and in return, they beat the living shit out of him and broke his arm and clavicle. He won $125,000.

    When I was in college in Isla Vista, someone broke into our apartment and stole a bunch of small shit. The cops said they caught the guy, a black guy, and all we had to do was lie and say we had seen him casing out our place. We didn’t.

    Another time in college, there was a small riot going on in Isla Vista. My friends decided the best thing to do was to stay inside and watch tv. One of my friends was putting peanut butter on a piece of toast when three cops crashed in the door, ran in, and beat the living shit out of my two friends. In their apartment.

    When I was going to school in San Luis Obispo, everyone would congregate at a Taco Bell starting at midnight to eat shitty food. The guy in line in front of me was drunk. He thought he was owed more in change, so he grabbed the glass windows and pulled on them, shattering them. The cops were called and the taco bell shut down. I saw the asshole getting into his car while the employees were talking to the cops. At 18, this was the last time I would ever initiate speaking to a cop. I walked over and said, “Hey, the guy who did it…” The cop responded, “Shut up I will get to you when it is time.” The guy then got into his car and drove off. At which point I said, “He’s gone now.” And walked away. I was then hit in the back, dragged across a parking lot by my hair and slammed agains a car. My friends, who were climbing into the car, were also hit and attacked. One suffered permanent back damage because he was slammed into the side of a car door. They charged me with swearing at a police officer and disturbing the peace. The judge admonished them.

    When I was living in San Luis Obispo, we had a crazy guy living across the street. He had a crush on one of my roommates girlfriends. We had to order him out of the house during a get together. He went across the street and pulled out a revolver and stood looking at our house on the sidewalk. We called the cops. He turned out to be one of those volunteer dickheads who rides around with cops. They allowed him to stand outside of our house day after day, night after night, whenever in the fuck he wanted, holding his revolver.

    At that same house, we had a party. The cops came and broke it up. My friend Jesse was too drunk to drive. The cops asked if he lived there and he said no but he was staying the night. They ordered him to leave. He said he was too drunk. They physically put him in the car and told him to turn on the engine. They then arrested him for drunk driving.

    When I was living in LA, a neighbor punched a woman who lived in our building in the face outside on the street. The cops arrived. The puncher was an ex Iraq vet. The woman had done nothing and I had seen the entire thing. The guy explained he was a vet. They arrested the woman for assault.

    So, why do people hate cops? Because a shit load of them are fucking assholes.

    And these stories make a judge shake her or his head everytime I’m up for jury duty and dismiss me.

    from back when Dave Anthony used to post in the chapo sub

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    8 months ago

    I was truncheoned in the back by an officer, some years ago at a protest, for trying to keep a kid safe who’d gotten lost when the police did a push of their line and they were about to go under a horse. Wasn’t in a bloc, wasn’t even remotely the image of an “activist”, and they all saw me help the kid. But I went into the “wrong” area and they were out for blood that day. Saw a journalist carried away on a stretcher for, again, not realising that the lines had shifted. Wasn’t a plastic one either, it was the thick rubber coated steel kind.

    Much later I realised this had not been a violent protest, the police simply decided to fuck over a bunch of mostly non-activist people because they’d gotten some new toys and wanted to use them.

  • Babs [she/her]
    8 months ago

    Cops have always been nice to my white ass. They drove me home safely when I was underage drinking, gave me movie tickets and gift cards when they saw me riding my bike with appropriate safety gear, were a harmless presence in my community, and have always been courteous in our professional interactions now that I’m and adult with a job that regularly puts me in contact with them. Cops are nice to me, a little white lady. Except that time I was at a protest and they shot flashbangs at me, but that was to be expected. They are nice to me when I’m not directly opposing them.

    My partner is Latino and he once got tazed while trying to console his drunk (white) ex after a party because the cop saw her crying and assumed he was hurting her. His little nephew got mauled by a police dog (and his mom got injured trying to protect him) only for the local newspaper to write about how his family is a bunch of criminals while they were suing the department. He’s spent nights in jail for things that were “harmless teenage foolishness” when I did them.

    Growing up, cops were friends to me and monsters to him. I had to get some theory in my brain to understand that we have differing class interests.